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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

If there’s anything to look forward to during quarantine, it’s the extra free time that we all have. Personally, I am struggling to put all of my efforts towards my online classes, feeling unmotivated and discouraged with my school-related assignments. As long as I keep up with school, I think it’s healthy to set some small, realistic goals to keep me busy. 

Here are 10 goals that I am aiming to complete by the end of quarantine:

Read +5 Books

Whenever I set objectives for myself, I like to include one for reading to ensure that I continue to make time to do it. So far, I have finished two books and am about to start my third, so I’m well on my way to accomplishing this goal.

Write More

Aside from articles for Her Campus, I want to get back into journaling and thinking of more unique concepts for my articles. I have the time, as well as plenty of inspiration, so I just have to put pen to paper. 

Learn A TikTok Dance

With how much I love TikTok, I have never attempted to learn a viral dance- but it is time to change that. I want to learn at least one before the quarantine is over!

Pick Up A New Habit/Skill

I would like to pick up a new habit or skill during this quarantine period, and have already made moves to do just that! In fact, I was inspired by a TikTok! I signed up for an online introductory computer science class offered through Harvard. This way, I will come out of quarantine a little smarter than when I went in.

Figure Out My Finances (#Budgeting)

Being stuck at home has really cut my spending down, allowing me to really observe where my money is going. Between not having any income and graduating into a terrible economy, money is extremely tight and has been causing a lot of anxiety. I’m taking the time to figure out how much I should be spending on my apartment, loan payments, and how much I can save. It’s important as I try to find my first full-time job to know what my base salary has to be to survive.

Apply For Jobs/Edit My Resume

Following my previous goal, this is very fitting. I would like to be more specific by saying that I have applied for a million and one jobs but I am more so looking to hear something back. In this economy, it is difficult to get that kind of result. However, I have made the effort to reach out to some of my mentors and LinkedIn connections to get feedback on my resume. Hopefully, my hard work leads to some opportunities soon.

Catch Up With Old Friends

When everyone is doing nothing, it is the best time to reach out to people that you may not have talked to in a while. See what they’re up to!

Side Hustle, Anyone?

Even if I land a full-time role, I might still want to fill my time with a passion project. I’m not sure what that looks like just yet but hopefully, some time and research will help me figure that out. All Iknow is that I won’t be joining a pyramid scheme.

Organize To Eventually Donate

I have so much stuff it’s ridiculous. If I use this time to sort through everything I should have a hefty pile of clothes to donate once stores reopen.

Focus On My Health

I have absolutely no excuses to not workout aside from being lazy. With the internet at my fingertips, I can attend any class in the comfort of my own home.

Overall, I hope I complete the majority of the goals on this list. Nothing is impossible and I would only be sacrificing TV time to work towards completing any of my goals.

My name is Kylie Geatz. While I work towards a career in the music industry, I enjoy my time spent living in NYC exploring, drinking too much coffee, and attending different events/concerts. Feel free to reach out and comment on any of my articles on any of my social media accounts (@altkylie)!