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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.


Winter came quick this year.

The world turned cold in what seemed like a matter of minutes

Beautifully tinted leaves blown out of existence

By gusts of the same wind that blew summer away

What seems like only days ago.


Life became chilly one morning

But it wasn’t out of the blue

Though the morning followed a delicately smiling warmth the day before

The leaves had shaken often

Nature’s warning that many frigid days were to come.


I’ve found people have a way of reacting to the weather

So much so that we often create it

We turn cold and the seasons follow

And eventually huddle together to find warmth

And the seasons bring the sunlight back


Now that it’s here

Winter will live out the time it was given by Earth and time

But that doesn’t mean we must freeze with it

On the contrary

We must trudge forward through the depth of the snow

For at this moment we are the reason for the storm.


Find solace in society rather than solitude

Create warmth in oneness rather than wrath

Envision a future full of freedom rather than faults

Work to protect people rather than possessions

And live as if you were the world around you.

Hi guys! My name's Megan Bishop! I'm Pace University's Her Campus treasurer and am currently majoring in Arts and Entertainment Management. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO, but am now OBSESSED with writing about anything related to New York! I love to dance, sing, cook, and exercise, and a fun fact about me is that I'm only 4'11" (: