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From Champagne to Cocoa: Depositing Mask Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

I have tried the rose gold and champagne versions of these hair masks previously and you can see my reviews for those products in my previous articles. But, now to try out the dark brown version…cocoa!​

As usual: I washed my hair that night and towel-dried it to where it was not soaking wet anymore. Then, I sectioned off my hair and applied the mask mainly to all of my hair (roots included). My favorite part about the mask is that it is ammonia and bleach-free and it has oils and proteins to keep your hair happy and healthy! I left it on for ten minutes, then thoroughly rinsed out my hair in the shower and voila! Cocoa hair!

Photo from Emma Thomasson​

This temporary dye left my hair feeling soft and smelling nice. The color ended up having some red undertones that were unexpected (and quite honestly I am still uncertain about how I feel about it), but for the most part I love the dark change my hair has made. If you feel like you need an appearance change but you’re scared to take the leap, try these temporary hair dyes and you will not be disappointed (or at least if you are, it is only temporary).


Emma Thomasson

Pepperdine '21

Hello! My name is Emma. I am a student at Pepperdine University and I am studying Philosophy with the hopes of obtaining my MFT license after I graduate in 2021. I was born in Houston, Texas, and raised in Waco, Texas. That being said, I am avid supporter of Baylor sports and TexMex! I believe mental health is the most important thing to maintain in college. Some ways that I maintain mine include (but are not limited to) boxing, Disney, and beach days with my friends out here in Malibu!
Melissa Locke

Pepperdine '21

This is my senior year of college and I'm a Public Relations major with a Creative Writing outside concentration. I was born and raised in So-Cal and love it so much I couldn't go too far. As much as South California is my home, I adore traveling and learning about other cultures. A Disney fan to the core you can find me watching any of their movies, or breaking my bank account at Disneyland, and if not I'll probably be reading, writing, or enjoying the Malibu climate.