The Good Place is a half-hour sitcom created by NBC. It is a satirical take on what the afterlife is like and shows the main character’s lives on earth in snippets. Eleanor Shellstrop, a sassy, slightly misguided, and overall not great person from Arizona is portrayed by Kristen Bell. Tahani Al-Jamil, a gorgeous, tall, upper-class woman who really loves herself…like a lot…is played by Jameela Jamil. Ted Dancy portrays Michael, your friendly neighborhood architect for “the Good Place.” D’Arcy Carden plays Janet, everyone’s personal assistant in “the Good Place.” A ridiculously smart professor of ethics who tends to hesitate a bit too much, Chidi Anagonye, is portrayed by William Jackson Harper. Finally, Jason Mendoza, a…um…unique character to say the least is played by Manny Jacinto.
Source: NBC
When all of the characters arrive at “the Good Place” something…or someone…seems off. The show is full of sarcasm, dark humor, and many interesting references to today’s pop culture. There’s love, tragedy, and a whole lot of comedy! The show began in 2016 and is currently in its fourth and final season. You can watch seasons 1 through 3 on Netflix and the most recent episodes of season 4 are on Hulu.
I don’t want to say too much, because I don’t want to spoil the show, but I will say this: every episode will leave you dying to watch the next…SO MANY PLOT TWISTS! You will fall in love with these characters and feel everything that they feel! So, if you need a new show to binge-watch, give The Good Place a try!