The first few weeks of school are exciting. From seeing your friends for the first time in a few months to starting a whole new year as an older, smarter, and more mature version of yourself, you are stoked to be back at your home away from home. But then you start to really want to hit that snooze button, procrastinate those papers, and just flat out not do the reading. You come to the end of September and you can’t deny that summer is really over and school can be really hard.
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
Some people are better than others at handling this epidemic across campuses worldwide. I am not some people. I am easily exhausted, an expert procrastinator, and quick to make up a reason as to why I simply do not need to read my textbooks. So, September can be quite a scary time for me.Â
   This September however, I devised a plan to save myself from the horrors the month brings . I kept myself busy whenever possible and tried to get ahead in my classes, so when I did get burnt out, it was okay for me to take a break because I was not behind. I meal prepped at the beginning of each week so I didn’t have to spend as much time making dinner and I didn’t waste money on eating out. I made sure to exercise three to four times a week so I could feel healthy and happy. Now the end of September is nearing and it hasn’t been so scary. So, don’t let September get you down. It’s up to you to figure out what works for you. Take inspiration from others, but don’t try to be them if it’s not right. Make a plan and thrive these next few months!