Well, collegiates, we’ve just about reached that dreaded point in the semester — midterms. It’s officially October and your classes have started to pick up the pace, you have a handful of tests, projects, and papers all crammed into a short amount of time, and your days spent not doing any work are starting to catch up to you. Yeah, we’ve all been there, but have no fear — here are six tips on keeping your sanity during this crazy time in the semester!
Drink tea: I still am, and will always be a coffee-girl, but for the times when I need to unwind and relax a bit, I drink a nice cup of tea. Chamomile tea is known to help with relaxation and is great to have before bedtime.
Exercise: While it may seem like you have no time for this, working out is one of the best ways to relieve stress, and spending countless hours in Hillman with no study break is just flat-out not good for you. Whether it’s simply taking a 20-minute walk or going to the Pete for a full workout, taking a study break and exercising is a great way to let your mind rest and give it time to absorb all the information you just crammed into it!
Stay organized: Every morning, make a list of what you need to get done that day, and, as you complete tasks, cross them off; it’s a great way to keep track of your assignments. Clear all of your clutter and make sure you have all the materials you need for your classes. Your mind will be less scattered and you’ll be more productive if you keep everything organized and at hand.
Catch some ZZZ’s: Don’t sacrifice your overall health and well-being for a few extra hours of studying — it’s not worth it. Your body needs to be well-rested in order to be focused and productive each day, and after pulling an all-nighter, your brain is not going to be functioning properly. So, if you stay organized and work hard all day, you’ll actually have time at night to unwind a bit and get a good night’s sleep.
Find some good study music: Rather than listening to the loud chattering in Hillman, make or find a study playlist. I highly recommend checking out the “Focus” playlists on Spotify. There’s so many to choose from, including “Productive Morning,” “Deep Concentration,” and, my personal favorite, “Peaceful Piano.” Listening to actual songs could get very distracting, but these playlists are filled mostly with instrumental music, which help with concentration and productivity.
And, most importantly…treat yo self!: You earned it. After all that studying, you deserve a treat, so go buy those shoes you’ve been eyeing, spend a few hours binge watching Netflix, or simply indulge in some Chipotle…or a container of Ben & Jerry’s…or both…