1. Snuggling:
Regardless of what size bed you have, no one likes to share. Sharing your bed with a significant other can cut down on the blanket you get and leaves you restricted to one side of the bed. A cat allows you more space to use on your bed by sleeping directly on top of your head. They purr directly in your ear and make kitty biscuits into the side of your neck to help you fall asleep.
2. Chipotle Dates:
Getting Chipotle is a wonderful experience and something not to be taken advantage of yet, too often, people in relationships experience something known as “sharing” when they go to Chipotle with their significant other. Taking your cat to Chipotle with you will ensure that your Chipotle experience remains pure, because your cat will never ask for any of your Mexican food and with the rising prices of guacamole these days, people can’t afford to “share” anymore.
3. Partying:
Your cat understands that you don’t always want to go out. Sometimes the best kind of party is one you hold at home with a little beer, some vinyl, and eventually pizza.
4. Watching A Movie:
Although it sounds ridiculous, it could be quite possible your significant other doesn’t feel like watching “The Lizzie McGuire Movie” with you just because you’re “feeling nostalgic.” But rest assured, your cat is more than willing to sit on your laptop patiently and quietly while you watch every moment in suspense and they won’t judge you when you belt out “This Is What Dreams Are Made Of”.
5. Getting Fit:
Walking a cat around your neighborhood on a leash beats lifting at the gym with “bae” any day. You don’t need to impress your cat anyways, so break out the leggings and cancel that gym membership you haven’t used for the past three months.
6. Selfies:
Maybe your significant other isn’t very photogenic, maybe they just can’t compete with the pictures of Ryan Gosling and Niykee Heaton that surface during MCM and WCW, or maybe they simply refuse to be a part of all those shenanigans on Instagram; regardless, you need something to post to keep up with your friends. What’s better than an artfully taken shot of your gorgeous cat? Nothing. The answer is nothing.
7. Picking Out an Outfit:
Your cat will never have anything rude to say about the outfit you spent two hours picking out the night before. They are pleased as long as they were able to lay on it and cover it in fur while it lay on your chair overnight. Also, your cat will never tell you your butt looks “too big” in those jeans.
8. Dressing Them Up:
On a similar note, many times your significant other isn’t too keen on you picking out an outfit for them and heaven forbid you suggest a cute couple costume for Halloween, but your cat is always willing to play the Walter White to your Jesse Pinkman.