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A Gift Guide for Your Significant Other

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

With my one-year anniversary with my boyfriend coming up, I’ve begun to wonder what to buy him for Christmas. When I look at Etsy or Buzzfeed, all I get is whisky-making kit and personalized keychains. It is really difficult to find a gift that is personal, but also unique, and not too cheesy, but also romantic… the list goes on. If you don’t want to get your S.O. a candle or a wallet for their birthday, Christmas, or your anniversary, here are seven gifts to get your soul mate for any occasion. 

A Picture Frame (With Multiple Pictures)

This gift is the best if you’re on a budget. You can get a good frame at Target for less than ten dollars, and photos off of Shutterfly for less than a dollar apiece. I would recommend buying the frame before ordering photos, so you know how thick the frame is and how many pictures will fit. If you want to make the gift extra special, you can write dates and descriptions on the back of each image. A simple, “December 27th: our first date!” can make the gift extra special.

A Sweatshirt with Your Anniversary on it

This personalized gift is perfect for winter anniversaries. If you’re like me, you’re always worrying if a present is too cheesy or tacky. A simple sweatshirt is practical and sweet, but not boring or basic. Bonus points if the date in in Roman numerals. It’s subtle, and leads people to ask your S.O., “what are the numbers on your sweatshirt?” so they can talk all about you!

Perfume/ Cologne

This is a great gift if you want to get them something nice, but usable. I suggest bringing a sample of the fragrance they usually use when shopping so you can get them something that they will be sure to like. It’s such a simple gift that has a wide range of prices.

Band Merch

This one is kind of basic, but it’s a classic for a reason. Knowing your significant other’s taste in music is quintessential for a healthy relationship. This gift will prove that you listen to their music suggestions and that you actually looked at their Spotify wrapped. Plus, every t-shirt you get them is a t-shirt you can steal later!


Do I really have to explain this one? Legos are getting increasingly popular with older age demographics, and for a good reason. They’re fun to put together and you can keep the end product as a room decoration! You can get cheap Star Wars or Minecraft sets at target for less than twenty dollars. I would suggest going onto the Lego website and buying the pair of roses! They’re so cute and they’re also a way to give your boyfriend flowers if he doesn’t want real ones. 

Matching Pajama Pants

There is nothing cuter than watching a movie with your other half while wearing matching pajamas. Flannel pajama pants are a classic for a reason: they’re warm, soft, and typically pretty cheap. Plus, a mirror selfie with matching PJs makes the perfect lock screen. 

Film Camera 

If your partner loves the indie aesthetic, then they’ll love a film camera. They’re classic, simple, and a fun way to capture the little things in life. In addition to being pretty cheap, you can find them just about anywhere, from Walmart to Target and more! 

Shopping for your significant other can be insanely stressful. How much money should I spend? What if they get me a better gift? What if I go overboard? As someone who’s love language is gift giving, I ask myself these questions All. The. Time. The main thing to remember is no matter what you get them, they’ll appreciate it. You’ve put a lot of thought and appreciation into it and they’ll be grateful no matter what. Remember, it’s the thought that counts!

Kat is a first-year student at the University of Pittsburgh. This is her first year writing for Her Campus, and she is primarily interested in writing about psychology, history, relationships, music, movies, and her own experiences as a freshman in college. She is majoring in secondary education with a focus in English. Her goal for the year is to be a published author on at least three different platforms.