Celebrities can be seen sporting bangs for an awards show one day but then the blunt bangs over their eyes are gone by the next day. As college students, we don’t have the luxury of hair stylists or even clip on bangs. The decision to get bangs seems like a big change, but with these simple tips you can decide if the “bang” style is right for you.
1) Know how active your life is. Only you know how much you hate having hair flap in your face while working out or dancing at a party. If you don’t mind the idea of clipping them back or even letting them getting a little sweaty, then bangs may be the way to go!
2) Know your face type. Â Not every face shape is meant for a blunt bang or even a side bang. Talk to your stylist and see what kind of bang, if any, would look perfect with your face shape. (They went to school for this, trust them!)
3) Know the different types of bangs. There are a variety of styles of bangs, so know which one you want to avoid getting the wrong look. There are short bangs (a new trend), angled bangs (flattering for prominent features) and easy-to-grow-out wispy bangs (ideal for those who don’t want to commit to a bang style, as they can be easily swept off the face).
4) Know your skin type. If you have an acne prone skin type, it may be better to keep oily hair off of your forehead. It’s better to have clear skin then to hide behind your bangs!
5) Know that you CAN grow them out! If you are still unsure about getting bangs, talk to your stylist about the best style that would allow you to grow them out faster.
Bangs can be seen everywhere from college campuses to runways. If you are still iffy about the idea of bangs, use websites like: http://www.hairstyles.knowage.info/ and see if you like the bangs on your face. If you decide to try it, rock this hot style with confidence!Â