Students spend all of their time battling for the ultimate study space, friends turn on friends in a race to get ahead of the curve, and gods old and new are invoked in desperate attempts of survival. Tears are shed, loyalties are tested, and emotions are running at an all-time high. This all points to it being that time of the semester again: finals week. And who understands gut-wrenching pain and misery in its purest form better than the characters of Game of Thrones?
This is it. The final stretch. There’s only one thing standing in your way of a much-deserved break.
You log into Student Center with bated breath. Please no Saturday finals. Please no Saturday finals. Please…
Oh, good. A Saturday final.
Okay, enough procrastinating. As daunting as it seems, you need to get started. It’s now or never.
You head into the heart of campus to find a place to study, and your stomach drops as you set foot into Hillman. The library is dark and full of terrors.
Trying to claim a table brings out the worst in you. You don’t want to fight someone for a study spot, but you’re not really above it either. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
You glance over your notes for the first time since you wrote them and come to the disheartening realization that you didn’t retain a single thing from class. It seems that you and our friend, Jon Snow, have a lot in common.
Not sure why you thought you could wait until a few days before your exam to open your textbook. Why didn’t you start studying earlier???
And the book might as well have been written in a foreign language.
Typing up your last paper like, “What is proofreading?”
Then you hit a wall and even looking in the direction of your laptop right now is unbearable.
Maybe you’ll have better luck if you relocate.
But no matter where you go to study, there is always that one person whose voice carries, and they embody every reason that you cannot get anything done. So, instead of studying, you daydream about your revenge.
You can’t remember the last time you took a shower.
Your coffee consumption is out of control.
You haven’t even seen a vegetable in days.
Basically, things are looking pretty bleak.
Eventually, you realize you’ve done all you can do, so you embrace your inevitable fate.
There’s only one thing that can help you now:
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