When we think finals, we think cramming in the library until all hours of the night. This is the exact opposite of what we should do. Cramming has been studied multiple times. It just shoves the information into short-term memory; not very helpful when it comes to finals time. Sleeping is key to a successful exam, eight hours seems impossible during finals week, but try and get at least six. I promise you, you will feel refreshed and ready to take on a new chapter in the morning.
As a food nut and exercise freak, I always try and make time for something that will fuel my body and heart, even during finals week. I put together 5 ways to stay healthy during these next few grueling weeks.
- Go to the gym! Even if you haven’t gone all semester, it’s the perfect way to get into exercising before you go home to the family and friends and to get some studying done. Exercising releases endorphins, which not only wakes you up but also make you feel happy (which I know is a rare mood during finals week.) My friends and I bring flashcards to the gym and go on the ellipticals next to each other and quiz one another. It’s a great way to see your friends and get some studying in.
- Steer clear from energy drinks! I know they may seem like a great quick fix when its 2 am and you still have another four chapters to study. Instead of that, try tea or coffee. Coffee has 0 calories if you drink it black with nothing in it. Instead of 560 calories, you are downing 0 and saving yourself from a future heart attack. Water is another great way to flush out toxins and make your skin glow for 0 calories. Add some lemon to it for a great metabolism and immune booster!
- Snack regularly. This does not mean eat an entire sleeve of Oreo cookies throughout the day. It means keep a bag of nuts in your backpack while you head to the library. They are a great source of protein to keep you full longer! (No need to run to the coffee cart to get that cookie!) Studies show that smaller snacks throughout the day lead to more weight loss compared to the traditional three meals a day. More importantly, don’t forget to eat! Food is fuel for your body to run, if there’s no fuel, there’s no point in reading those last couple of chapters because none of it will stick.
- As mentioned before, SLEEP! Sleep is key to your body’s routine and it gives your brain time to rest and put all the information you have been learning into long term memory. You may not need the full eight hours of sleep but you certainly cannot run on two. Studies show that people who sleep the allotted eight hours of sleep weigh less than those who don’t. While you are sleeping, the body resets itself, including your metabolism. You burn around 55 calories per hour of sleeping! So close the textbook until tomorrow and get some shuteye.
- Finally, stay away from sick people. It’s the wintertime so everyone is indoors, which means more germs are coming in contact with one another. Finals week is the time everyone’s body is run down and viruses are trying to spread. Keep hand sanitizer with you at all times (I prefer the ones with lotion in it too so it won’t dry out your hands!) and use it! I’m not saying put yourself in a bubble, but pay attention to your surroundings and maybe open the door with your sleeve and not your bare hands.
Sickness is everywhere on campus, especially if you are living in a dorm. I learned that the hard way last year when I got pneumonia. So get your flu shots, hit the gym, and eat healthy snacks and you’ll be on your way to a healthy and successful finals week! Good luck!