Seeking a place to find quality notes written by your own fellow students? Or a means to sell your awesome notes to someone else in need? can help you do exactly that. It is an online student to student marketplace in which you can buy or sell study materials for a specific course.
Founded by Mike Matousek, has been a lifesaver for college students all around the country. Its goals are simple: To help college students earn higher grades and help them make more money. can help you access flashcards, study guides, notes, video tutorials, and the best part, live video help, all online. Students are given the option to create their own prices for their study materials (average price is $9.00).
So can anyone actually make money off of this service?  In actuality, the average student seller makes $31/hr, and some of the top student sellers have made over $5,000. Also, 70% of the revenue students make is kept by the student. Pretty nice if you ask me. has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, or the team will give students a full refund, no questions asked.
So check out the site here, and see how happy your wallets will be by the end of the semester! Happy studying!
Image credit: Picture was emailed to the author by a Flashnotes employee