One thing my S.O and I are always excited to try is ways to incorporate food into our sex life. So far we’ve only tried one, whipped cream, but for Valentine’s Day, it’s time to experiment! So, here’s a list of some fun foods to try out.
Sweet Foods
Yummy sweet foods can’t help but be sexy. These are easy to incorporate because they are fun to eat and pretty much everyone likes these kinds of food. Strawberries are a classic in this one because they’re sexy to eat and they can be paired with other foods. They are also not too messy which makes them a good food to start out with.
Another good choice that you can pair with strawberries or have it all on its own is chocolate! Chocolate sauce especially well known because it’s delicious and it can be poured over orifices. You can also write messages in chocolate syrup on your partner’s back, stomach, or butt and really kick it up a notch. However, any sugary syrups have to be avoided anywhere near your lady parts because of the risk for a yeast infection. It is definitely not something you want to deal with on Valentine’s Day.
As I mentioned before, another food you’ve gotta try is whipped cream. It’s fun to spray from the can and is delicious to lick. However, it is messy so either put down a towel or sheets you don’t mind getting messy and try not to go too crazy. I found from experience that a towel did just fine and any stains came out easily. This is also something to consider with chocolate syrup so don’t try this out on white sheets! Also, remember no sugary substances anywhere near your vagina.
Maybe not so much in February but another food you can try is popsicles! It’s a fun way to encourage activities in foreplay and is a good way to incorporate temperature into your sex life. This might be more of a summer time treat but if you want to pretend it’s August, feel free to try this one out!
Finally, a sweet drink to try during sex is Champagne. It’s fun to open and is bubbly and can be poured on a naked body. As an article from Cosmo said, “Champagne mostly rules because if you’re going to be a little drunk during sex, at least be a Classy Drunk during sex.” You can also combine this with strawberries.
Savory Foods
If you’re not in the mood for sweet foods on Valentine’s Day, here’s a few savory options you can try. Bacon is always a good option because it’s greasy, delicious, and hot. It’s not something you can put on each other but it’s a fun option to eat naked in bed.
The savory option instead of chocolate syrup is melted cheese. You can basically make your partner a fondue holder and lick melted cheese off of them. Or, a Refinery29 article recommends making a brie and cheese plate your post-sex snack because it’s classy and delicious.
Finally, another well known food to incorporate in sex is sushi. You can arrange these on your partner’s body and eat them. You can also feed this to each other since they’re bite sized and easy to eat. Like the sugary syrups, make sure the sushi doesn’t have wasabi or anything spicy and don’t get it near your lady parts because it can be very painful.
So there you go! Enjoy your Valentine’s Day and don’t be afraid to be adventurous with using food in your sex life!