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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Dear Summer,

These past four months have been some of the best in my life. I have laughed and cried, gained a new perspective on life and rejuvenated my body in time for the 2016/2017 school year. You changed me in some of the best ways possible. From tanning my skin and lightening my hair to opening my eyes and freeing my mind from the stresses of life. I needed this time with you to grow as a person. Thank you.

Thank you, Summer, for bringing strong rays of sunshine and vitamin C. Thank you for long days spent exploring new places, trying new foods, meeting new people and reuniting with old friends. Thank you for beautiful sunsets and warm nights. Thank you for opportunities to travel across the state, across the country and across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe.

You gave me the opportunity to study abroad in Italy with 16 other fantastic people. You were with me when I attempted to speak to locals. I felt your presence as I stared at breathless views and ate my one hundredth gelato. You helped guide me through a major heartbreak by providing me with inspiration to grow. Through you, I was able to attend Her Conference and gain tips on how to compete for my dream job. Because of you, I made wonderful new friends and was able to reconnect with a few priceless old friends, who I had not seen in a while. You gave me time to spend with my grandmother and helped me to surprise my best friend for her birthday. I cannot thank you enough for all of these moments.

I miss you already. I miss the days we spent lying in the sun with a good book and listening to Drake’s Views album on repeat. I miss the long walks we took in the woods, the beach and far away cities. I miss traveling to far away places with you and diving into pools after a long day. Most of all, I miss having the freedom for lazy days filled with doing absolutely nothing.

Summer, you were a rad buddy to hang out with for four months, but sadly all things must come to an end. See you next year! Fall, I am so excited to meet you and see what you have in store for me. I cannot wait for beautiful leaves, apple cider and boots weather.




Photo Credit: All photos are author’s own

Junior Fiction Writing and English Literature double majors Italian Studies minor Fun facts: I love all things Italy! My last name even means bread and my friends call me toast. My spirit animals are unicorns, mermaids or Hello Kitty(:
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt