Name: Juaquina “Kena” Carter
Major: Social Work
What clubs are you involved in on campus? Ignite
Her Campus: Tell us about the wonder Mentoring Young Girls Project.
Juaquina Carter: Mentoring Young Girls is a program based out of California that works toward bettering future generations of females through mentorship and various community events. The year-round assistance they offer for college girls are their care packages. As college students, we all have had to struggle with trying to make ends meet at times, and this care package is there to fill in the gap when times are tough. We have enough to worry about as students; we shouldn’t have to worry about buying feminine products or school supplies too! I lead this project by getting the word out there so that the girls who might need this assistance will be able to utilize it. For more information, please visit our page.
HC: Now, we don’t mean to make you blush, but we read your blog and love it–tell us all about it.
JC: My blog is titled “Abstinence and the City,” and it is, of course, inspired by the popular show Sex and the City. I created this blog in order to show the dating world from a different perspective. You can watch almost anything on television or read any romance novel and get how the dating scene looks when you are having sex, but what if you’re not? Although I love Carrie Bradshaw, I couldn’t relate to the relationship problems her and her friends were experiencing. So, I wanted to create something that shows how the dating world looks from an abstinent point of view. For more information please feel free to visit my blog.
HC: Is there anything else that makes Kena as amazing as she is?
JC: Well, I am also pursuing a career in public speaking. I have been speaking to various groups since high school, and I am now transitioning to doing it full time. I teach sexual health with a focus on abstinence and relationships. I understand that abstaining is not the only route to take, and I respect all decisions. However, I feel it is very important to make an informed decision about your sex life. So, my job is to provide information about both sides of the fence and let others come to their own conclusion about what is best for them. If you would like to hear me speak please feel free to email me at I hope to have the amazing opportunity to speak to the lovely ladies of Her Campus and all other groups on campus one day!
All photos provided by Ms. Carter.