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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Name: Kevin Vanover

Year: Senior

Major: Natural Sciences

Relationship Status: Single (very)

I had the pleasure of interviewing Kevin Vanover, someone very worthy of the title Campus Cutie. As a soon-to-graduate senior, Kevin will surely leave his mark on Pitt’s campus. I am proud to call Kevin a friend and colleague, and am so excited to show him off to the rest of the school! With pleasure, I give you Kevin Vanover…

HC: What’re you involved in on campus?

I am the Business Manager at The Pitt news, where I primarily oversee the advertising that’s done there, a brother of Phi Delta Theta Inc., and the VP of Recruitment for the Interfraternal Council.

HC: Wow, that must keep you busy.

…We can stop there, but there is more believe it or not.

HC: What’s your favorite song right now?

“Thinking Out Loud,” by Ed Sheeran

HC: That’s right, and I can personally attest to this because you listen to it every day in the office…but you’re the boss. Moving on! Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hmmmm, I will be recently married and settled down…hopefully…with a steady job, a roof over my head, and food in my stomach…again, hopefully. And most likely, I’ll be living in DC because it’s awesome and has always been my favorite city. If not DC, then a southern state for sure, just because of the weather.


HC: I wish you the best of luck! But a more immediate question…what would you do if you won the lottery?

First, I would give a million dollars to everyone I know. Then, I would buy a sweet beach house in Avalon and Cali…and probably one in Florida. Okay I would buy several. Then with whatever is left, I would travel to every continent, invest, become more philanthropic, and, have a kick a** wardrobe.

HC: Do you have any tattoos?


HC: If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be?

Easy, it would say Savannah Strong on my upper forearm. Savannah was a little girl that died of cancer my junior year of high school, and she had a huge impact on my life, one that I never want to forget.

HC: Great answer. All right, now on to some of the easier ones: What is your biggest pet peeve?

Loud eaters; I cannot sit next to either my brother or my dad at dinner for that reason. I also can’t stand when people tweet without texting back/use social media without answering.


HC: I feel your pain, Kevin. Now, if you could meet any celebrity, who would it be/why?

The obvious answer is Beyonce. But depending on whether they had to be living or dead plays into it as well. Ben Affleck, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds? So many options I could never pick just one.

HC: What internet site do you surf the most?


HC: What is the best or worst pick up line you’ve ever heard?

“I have an airplane.”

HC: Do you want the readers to know anything else about you?

Sure do. My favorite book is Season of Life. 

And this is something that my best friend once told me that will stick with me forever. Just something that I think everyone should hear; “in the end you are going to die surrounded by people that you love, if not one very special person.”


Image credit: Images provided by the cutie

Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt