Love is hard to find in a hopeless place. Especially if that hopeless place is in one of your four hour labs (really, how is that legal for one credit!?). Let’s face it, taking a lab is a rite of passage, and actually, some of the healthiest relationships I have encountered have been the products of the lab setting. *Jenny, 20, and *Claire, 20, have both met their boyfriends in Organic Chemistry labs. Jenny flirted her way through lab and would always sit with her lab partner during lecture. She worked her way up to asking him for ice cream one day when they were hanging out casually between classes. Claire’s boyfriend would make sly moves in the lab like go over to her hood even though his drawer was across the room. However, it was Claire who asked him for his number to work on lab reports and from there the relationship progressed.
With the advice and expertise of those lucky ladies who have found their lab partner to be an actual relationship partner, I have accumulated a list of some steps of what to do if you feel chemistry with your lab partner.
1. First and foremost, exchange phone numbers
One of the easiest ways to start getting to know your lab partner (and also a good idea for work in general) is to ask for their phone number. This ensures that you can contact them outside of the lab.
2. Next, get to know each other
If you get along in lab, you will most likely get along outside of lab, but to know for sure, ask questions. It can be as simple as, “How are your classes?” or “How was your week?” When you’ve gotten a little closer, ask about their friends or what they like to do for fun. Capitalize on your time with them. If you have class together, sit with them one day or make a point of saying hello.
3. Remember to always dress to impress
In order to catch their eye, try to look your best for labs, but still be yourself. You’ll definitely stand out if you are in something other than sweats for those morning labs.
4. Ask for help or study together out of lab
Do you have a lab quiz coming up? Or need help with lecture material? Asking your lab partner to study outside of lab will help form a deeper connection and is again another way for you to get to know each other. This is where you can try to be a little more flirtatious too, since you don’t have to worry about collecting data or handing in lab notes.
5. Finally, do something outside of the lab
This is the moment of truth. It might be scary, but do not be afraid to make the first move. You can ask to hang out by asking to get ice cream or a casual meal after class or lab. If you’re concerned that they might be timid or you don’t want things to be awkward during lab, then you can ask towards the end of the semester.
Remember not to rush and allow things to occur in a natural progression. You have all semester to work on this experiment!
*Names have been changed.
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