Year: Junior
Major: Speech-Language Pathology
Hometown: Rochester, New York
The end of the school year marks the end of another successful year at Her Campus Pitt. This year wouldn’t have been so incredible if it weren’t for our president and vice-president, Nahja Martin and Claire Peltier. Both Nahja and Claire are graduating this Spring, but are leaving the Her Campus that we all know and love in great hands, with Amanda Corrado and Katie Piscopio. So I figure, who better than to interview than the new president of Her Campus Pitt, Amanda! After many interviews with Nahja and Claire, Amanda was elected this past Sunday, along with Katie as the new vice-president. We wish you girls the best of luck next year!
Her Campus: What’s your favorite part about Pitt?
Amanda Corrado: You’re never bored; there is always something to do and someone to do it with. And, it’s such a unique campus because it expands to more than one building; there’s a city life style, our interest in sports, and so much that we can do with our community.
HC: What else are you involved in on campus?
AC: I’m a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon. I’m in the NSSLHA (National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association), CHAARG (which is a fitness club), and the Student Alumni Association.
HC: What are the three words that people use to describe you?
AC: Friendly, encouraging, and positive.
HC: Where’s your favorite place to eat in Pittsburgh?
AC: The Spaghetti Warehouse and then for dessert the Milkshake Factory. My favorite milkshake is double chocolate cookie dough.
HC: When did you join HC Pitt?
AC: Freshman year of my fall semester, so almost three years ago!
HC: How did you hear about it?
AC: Honestly, I think it was the activities fair. I went with Mavis (our Social Media Chairwoman), we both got brochures, and that’s how I got interested. It was when Her Campus was just starting, so I hadn’t heard of the website or anything like that.
HC: What does Her Campus mean to you?
AC: I think it’s a really cool, eclectic way for people to express themselves to others. It’s something that all collegiates can relate and contribute to. And what I get from it is that it’s a really fun atmosphere where people can work with each other to reach a common goal.
HC: What was your favorite part of this year?
AC: Oohh, I thought our Girls Night Out event was really fun. But I think reaching Pink Level was really cool for us as a group; it really solidified our hard work.
HC: So as future president, have you started thinking about what you want to do? Any plans?
AC: I want us to have more outings together, bonding experiences outside of campus, some fun things like that. I want to make us become friends and not just co-workers. And I also want the entire campus to know our name. That’s a huge goal.
HC: Where do you hope to see Her Campus go in the future?
AC: That’s a tough question. I want it to be so that if I’m sitting in class, people have Her Campus as a tab on their computers. I want everyone to think positively about Her Campus, because it’s something that is a big part of our lives and I want people to know that we are really passionate about it. We put out stuff for people to really connect to and enjoy.
Good luck next year, ladies!