Life is all about the little things. When it comes to your health and your happiness, making small changes in your habits can make a huge difference in your life. Make these five tips a part of who you are and see how your mental health and overall well-being transforms!
Sitting is the new smoking
Every day, new research is published on the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting, even for people who exercise! Instead of spending our days walking to find food or running away from animals trying not to die, we are stuck sitting at a desk for the majority of the day. Excessive sitting impacts the physical body immensely, but can also be extremely damaging to one’s mental health. An Australian study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that women who sat for more than seven hours a day were at a 47 percent higher risk for depression than those who sat four hours or fewer per day. Excessive sitting can lead to insomnia and reduced feelings of well-being. So, keep moving! If you do have to sit for a prolonged period of time, try to take a quick walk or a stretch for two minutes every hour.
Idk my BFF Netflix?
Directly associated with sitting is spending too much time binge-watching One Tree Hill, Breaking Bad, whatever your flavor of choice is on Netflix. I know from personal experience that binge-watching a show can become very addictive very fast! Not only will you be sitting for prolonged periods of time, but you will also be missing those hours of the day when you could be having as interesting a life as the characters in the show! While it is easier to stay in bed, being productive, reaping the benefits of sunlight, and being around people will make you an overall happier person.
We as humans are holistic beings, a WHOLE being, so each part of your body affects your whole body. The number one thing we can do to make sure our body is working properly is to wisely choose what we consume each day. Being just 1% dehydrated can cause your body to work below its optimal level and lead you to feeling tired, sad, and unmotivated. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day! Food, of course, is the other huge component of nourishing our bodies and therefore our minds. Fruits and vegetables are filled with the micronutrients our body craves, so eat tons of them! If you really want to take it up a notch, try incorporating some superfoods, like Goji berries or Spirulina, to flood your cells with nutrients. Spirulina is so powerful that it is given to malnourished children in Sub-Saharan Africa to help them get the nutrients they need quickly and easily. Goji Berries can be eaten on their own or in yogurt. Spirulina can be taken in capsule form or powder form in smoothies.
Glam Going Up on a Tuesday
Although it is tempting to wear the same cozy sweats you slept in last night, try putting on an outfit for class that takes some extra effort! Maybe even…dare I say it… JEANS. A study done by the School of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire found that women who are depressed are more likely to wear baggy clothes while women who are happy are more likely to wear a skirt, jewelry, nice top, etc. Pick out the outfit the night before so it will be easier to just put the outfit on in the morning. Check out some articles online to get inspired or pick one piece – whether it’s a statement necklace or a dress – that makes you excited to take on the day and show off your cute look. [Check out my article on how to do fresh makeup in a flash HERE to look and feel your best!]
Paranoid Much?
Why me? Of course this happened. Stuff like this always happens to me. I am just unlucky! Any of these sounds familiar? Living life constantly reiterating these thoughts internally and to others can have real effects on one’s life. These minor thoughts of paranoia that the world is out to get you add up and ultimately come true after thinking them so regularly. So, why not change your mindset to pronoia? Pronoia (yes, it is a real word) is the opposite belief that the universe is in your favor. Dr. Simon Rego at Montefiore Medical Center says that habitual negative thinking can bring down or keep down your mood, influence how you act, and may lead to you doing less of essential human actions like socializing, eating, and exercising. The universe is in my favor. Repeat that to yourself instead of such negative thoughts and soon this will be your truth. Start your day by thinking to yourself that something beautiful is going to happen to you and it will. It’s as simple as that.