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The Midterm Hangover: A Guide to Self-care After Midterms

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

It’s finally over! Well at least for the most part. After days of cramming, hours in the library and of course, pulling the ‘all-nighters’ we said we wouldn’t pull, we are finally reaching the end of the midterm season – it’s about time. After what seems like years of being in a black hole surrounded by lecture notes and a knockoff version of Quizlet it’s time to put our Elle Woods persona at rest, at least for now. But what should we do with our lives now that midterms are over? Here are a few remedies for your ‘midterm hangover.’


Okay yes obviously, but hear me out. You need to make up for the sleep you lost over these past few weeks. You don’t want this to pack on itself and bite you back when it comes to finals (sorry, I know let me stop talking about finals). Make sleeping as stress-free as possible. Don’t take this as just stepping on your ottoman, opening the covers, plopping to bed and getting to sleep. Doing this will have you tossing and turning and wasting your time. Make relaxing fun. After midterms, sleep is not a necessity for success. Enjoy this time and chill out! Relaxing is number one on this list because without taking some time to relax, in any form, you can’t enjoy your freedom. If your goal is to get back some sleep, make it worthwhile. Change into your favorite seasonal or comfy pajamas, get back into your skincare routine (believe me, your skin needs it), put some Aquaphor on your lips and set the mood in your room. Please sit back, relax and enjoy the time while it lasts.

find that Netflix password and press play

This plays along with number one on this list. It’s spooky season, so after setting the mood in your room pull up Netflix and play movies that are on brand with Halloween season. Watch Hocus Pocus, or maybe if you’re in the mood, watch Hocus Pocus 2 and make fun of its 2.9-star review on Google. If you’re not into Halloween, bring it back to easier days and watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Although it may make you think about how ready you are to be home for break.

Live out your Rory Gilmore aesthetic

Yes, Rory Gilmore is known for her devotion to academics. But, let’s forget that for right now. Rory is always with her mom, Lorelei. Whether it be at the bookstore, at Luke’s or avoiding the Grocery Store together, they’re calmly out and about. So grab your Lorelei or, even, go by yourself and take a long walk to that café you’ve been talking about or that bookstore you’ve been trying to find the bus route to.

Gilmore Girls walking through Fall Festival
Warner Bros. Television
Drop that baggage

Whether it be in the form of art, coloring or journaling remember to get rid of whatever negative vibes you picked up from midterm season. Come clean and let it out. With all the stress from the last few weeks, things may have gotten out of hand. Don’t take that with you, instead, let it out so you can come back better than ever.

The Lalagirl Writing In Notebook
Her Campus Media
Hi! My names Steph, I'm a first generation college student who's getting to know the ways of college at Pitt. As a writer, a reader, and a big fan of social media I've had to learn a lot about myself by myself. There's a lot that comes about while being away from home. As a Jersey girl at heart I have a lot to say and here's where I hope to share it! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the writing you find at HerCampus!