Mac Miller has been my favorite artist for years, but one album in particular that really spoke to me.
Miller released “Blue Slide Park” when he was 19 years old, and starting from my young teenage years it was so easy to relate to his music and the topics described. Although it was released Nov. 8, 2011, I didn’t hear it until later in 2016. “Blue Slide Park” is not only a lyrical masterpiece, but it also has incredible cover art. Miller was an artist, and he tried to show that not only through his music, but through his everyday actions. It was his older brother, Malcolm, who designed the cover, and from there on out they worked as an artistic team. When it came to how he lived his life, it was simply artistic. He dedicated albums to life situations, taking a negative and turning it into a positive.Â
This song, album, and artist are incredibly important to me for a multitude of reasons — most importantly, in the way he conveyed his ideology. He showed passion and love in almost everything he did, musically or not. He was never one to rap about killing or violent crimes. He even dedicated an entire album to being kind, specifically toward women. Within this album he preached about feminism, equality, chivalry towards women, and overall genuine love and support for females and the divine feminine. I think it is really rare to find someone who is so kind, and so open about it. Miller showed what some people would call vulnerability, and while others would call it a weakness, it really made me want to continue to listen to him as I took it for compassion.
Although I don’t think the intent of “Blue Slide Park” was the lessons I took away from it, I appreciate his style, which allows for the open interpretation by the use of vocabulary and double meanings.
One example that had been used constantly throughout his music was the idea of being high. Although at first glance or listen, one would most likely think he was referring to substances, as listeners depict the vocabulary and context, it is evident Miller is referring to being high on love and life. The lesson I took away from this song was how tremendous of an impact human beings can have on others. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in insignificant thoughts and ideas, and think I’m the first one to get caught up in feelings such as anxiety and annoyance.
Suddenly, I had a realization that I probably should have had earlier in life. Everyone goes through their own insignificant worries or thoughts — it always seems like someone is okay, has it all, has nothing to worry about, but that’s just the assumption. I decided I wanted to live my life without assumptions, and if I really had a question, to just ask rather than try and interpret their thoughts.Â
“Blue Slide Park” was one of the first and only albums to ever make me sit back to think about my character, my life, how I can live a happier, more pleasant life and how I can help others do the same. I think about how Miller really tried to live his life through and relating to his music, which is why I have such a profound love for him.Â