Before starting school, I was a HUGE proponent of baths. Yes, baths. Laying there in a tub full of sudsy, sweet-smelling goodness, candles lit, my favorite music playing…it was my favorite form of me-time that there was. But now, I’m in school. In a dorm. With a communal bathroom. And NO bathtubs. This means I’ve had to cross over to the dark side and start *gasp* showering. And I’ve got some major beef. So without further ado, here are seven problems that come with showering in college.
Shaving your legs is a NIGHTMARE. I don’t know about you, but my college shower stalls are like stone cells, which means there’s no ledge. Anywhere. And you can’t just sit either, because we wear shower shoes for a reason. So trying to reach down and shave with your cheap razor while water is cascading into your eyes is a recipe for a disaster. My leg shaving attempts thus far have been a bloodbath…er, shower. Blood-shower.
The hair clumps. Everywhere. Yes, when you share shower stalls with every other girl on your floor, you find hairballs everywhere. In the drain, stuck to the wall–you name it, it’s there. And it’s kinda gross.
The water pressure is never JUST right. Sometimes the showerhead produces a measly trickle; other times it’s like a pressure washer. You just never know.
The bathroom…is just…so far away. It can feel like a ten mile hike to get there, and when you gotta squeeze a shower in before your 8 a.m. class and you’re barely awake, it can feel even longer. But you’ll make it. I think.
Not only do you have to make it to the bathroom, but you have to make it back. Wet. Naked. Afraid. And it’s always so special when you make awkward eye contact with someone in the hallway while you’re wearing a towel. In fact, it’s my favorite.
Showers aren’t relaxing. At all. Sure, you could argue that at 7 a.m., they can be a great way to wake up, but I like to let my morning coffee do the trick. Slowly and gently.
There’s always that short period of time that feels like forever where the water just won’t heat up, and you’re desperately trying to jump into the corner to avoid being hit with the ice cold downpour of death. But somehow, it always manages to find you.