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7 Ways to Anger a Food Service Worker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

It’s safe to say a vast majority of college students have, at some point in their lives, worked some part-time job. For those who haven’t – sure, they’re missing out on some extra cash – but they’re also missing out on a whole lot of unnecessary frustration. Having worked at both Arby’s and Chipotle throughout high school, I know the feeling all too well. Here’s 7 things NOT to do when ordering a bite to eat:


1. Talk on your phone

If you can’t give us your full attention for just one minute, don’t expect us to pay much attention to your food either.



2. Complain about the prices

Really? It may sound hard to believe, but a crew member earning minimum wage really has no say in corporate level decisions. We probably agree with you, but you’re wasting your breath.

3. Talk down to us.

We are people too, and chances are you didn’t come out of the womb with the status you have now.



4. Mumble or speak extremely quietly.

In most cases, we’re being evaluated on how fast we can get through your order. Having to ask “what?” five times in a row really isn’t helping you or your server.



5. Allow your young children to climb all over the tables and generally wreck the place.

I really feel like this doesn’t even need an explanation, but more people do it than you’d think.


6. Demand free food for literally no reason.

Not only are we really not allowed to give food out for free, but who do you think you are? Seriously.


7. Again, talk on your phone.

I had to. It’s just so rude.


Can you relate to the pain of the ordinary food service worker? Share this article and spread the word on how not to be an a**hole to your food service workers!

Kevin Malesic is a freshman Sports, Arts, and Entertainment Management major at Point Park and is thrilled to be getting involved with Her Campus.