We are all over this semester. We are forgetting to do assignments, not studying for exams, and (gasp!) even skipping classes. Every college student gets the end of the semester blues; we’ve just had enough. The truth is, we all need summer and/or a break. The question is WWLLD, or What Would Lindsay Lohan Do? Yes, the former wild child has taught us when the going gets tough, you can keep going or… get drunk. You decide, but here are 7 things Lindsay Lohan would do about the semester blues.
7. Party
We all need to unwind after a long test, so go find a fun party and mingle with friends.
6. Clubbing
Dance, B**ch! (plus Lindsay has clubbed with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears… that is so fetch).
5. Do An Interview
Maybe we can’t do an interview, but we can definitely talk to others about what is stressing us. Don’t be afraid, friends are here to listen.
4. Not Show Up To Things
We all need “me” days. Lindsay has skipped things once, twice, or like twenty times.
3. Flop And Be Okay With It
We will fail a test every once in a while and that is okay. Lindsay has plenty of flops and that doesn’t bring her down. Seriously, I Know Who Killed Me anyone?
2. Go Shopping
Retail therapy is the best and so relaxing. Lindsay does it all the time.
1.Get Back Up
Lindsay Lohan is a survivor. She has faced all her problems and is on the comeback trail. Get on your comeback trail and end this semester with a bang! Get those As and be ready for the next chapter!
So, when you are getting upset about the semester, just think, WWLLD?