A wise person once said if you can go through life counting your true friends on one hand, consider yourself lucky. This statement couldn’t be more accurate. Friends come and go quicker than last season’s designer handbag. If you find yourself constantly stressing over a friend, this person isn’t worth your time anymore. Here are five ways to know you are stuck in a toxic friendship.
Every situation turns into a competition of who can do better
When an exciting opportunity arises, you should want to tell your friend with full confidence knowing they will be happy for you. If this person always has to one up you, they clearly aren’t a true friend.
The common bond you had just isn’t there anymore
One of the main things that brings people together is the mutual interest in something. It is important to realize that people change and grow apart. The bond you may have once had isn’t going to necessarily last forever. It’s difficult, but some people aren’t meant to be in your life for so long.
They bring you more grief than happiness
If your friendship is sucking the life out of you, it’s time to say goodbye. Find friends who make you happy, not miserable. Surround yourself with people who help your wellbeing.
“Shady AF” is their middle name
If you are constantly wondering if this person is talking behind your back, you are stuck in a toxic friendship. Your friends should always stand up for you no matter what. Trust is everything. Surround yourself with people who will be real with you.
You are checking their tweets nonstop to see if they are sub tweeting you.
We’ve all been there. You and a friend get in a fight and suddenly you think everything they post is directed at you. True friends would be able to confront a situation face-to-face if they had a problem. If you realize you are the only one making an effort to get things back to how they used to be, it’s time to move on. Things aren’t going to magically fix themselves.
If any of the above describes your current friendship, get out while you can! Toxic friendships will only add unneeded negativity to your life. If a friend is only bringing you down, this person is not worthy of your time and effort. Reminisce on the memories, but realize things will never go back to how they were. Sometimes it feels like the end of the world, but just know that nothing is better for you than cutting out a toxic friendship. In the words of Taylor Swift, “Don’t you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine.”