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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

It seems like feminism is touching more and more women daily. I credit social media and the world’s hunger of knowledge to the rise in this always important issue. Women are human, we deserve equal rights and equal pay. These are the issues, which are brought up frequently, but I see feminism a bit differently.

In my opinion feminism is about choice. The choice to be whoever you want to be. Feminism is about respect – demanding respect from others and yourself. Feminism is about confidence, self-confidence. If a woman decides to be a stay-at-home wife and raise her children, cook dinner, and clean the house she is a feminist. She is a feminist because she made a choice, not her husband or her family, she made a choice, a personal choice to do what makes her happy. If she respects herself, and demands respect from others, and has confidence in what she does in her life, she is a feminist.  

If a woman wants to work as a CEO and not marry or have children, she is a feminist. She is a feminist because she respects herself, and demands respect from others, and if she is confident in everything she does, she is a feminist.

If a woman decides to have children, get married, spend half our time at home, and the other half in the office at her job, then she is a feminist. She is respected and she is confident.

Feminism is about choosing the life you want without worrying about what others think. If you want to be a scientist, do it. If you want to be a mother, go for it. It’s your time, it’s your energy, and it’s your body. It’s your life, and no man or woman has the right to tell you how to live it.  

Being a feminist means respecting the choices of other women, because we already suffer from a lack of respect from some men. We should lift each other up, and never think about tearing each other down. Feminism is about respect, confidence, and happiness. If you wake up each day happy (not necessarily all day, every day) but every day with the life you chose for yourself than you are a feminist. Being a feminist means conquering the world in your own way, by making your own choices.