Mental illness is not always portrayed accurately in the media, but the CW’s musical dramedy Crazy Ex-Girlfriend hits the nail on the head. This series follows Rebecca Bunch’s quest for happiness amidst her mental health struggles, and it handles the subject matter respectfully while maintaining a sense of humor. Everyone can find a part of themselves in this show regardless of the state of their mental health. And the songs are as hilarious as they are relatable! As someone who suffers from social anxiety, these songs ring particularly true with me:
Meeting new people can be pretty nerve-wracking, but feeling like you’ve successfully made a new friend is a reason to celebrate!
And once you’ve found people that make you feel safe and welcome, you’re ready to take over the world! Is this what it feels like to be completely accepted?
Now it’s time to learn everything about your new friends that you were too nervous to ask them about in person. Or maybe you’re on the hunt for even more friends and want to see if you have anything in common with your prospects. Later you’ll think about how to work up the nerve to talk to them without looking creepy
Sending even the most trivial text can feel risky. How will it be perceived? Will the recipient respond, and if so, when? If only you could unsend that message!
Preparing for company is an event in and of itself. Everything needs to be perfect so your guests will have a great time and remember you as a fun person! Plus, if they’re enjoying themselves, making conversation will be so much easier.
6. “Thought Bubbles”
You could be having a perfectly fine day, when all of a sudden one unsettling thought pops into your head and becomes the gateway to catastrophizing.
7. “You’re My Best Friend (And I Know I’m Not Yours)”
Sometimes you may avoid hanging out with your friends because you’re afraid of giving a bad impression of yourself, and consequently you may begin to drift apart. But even if they’re much closer with other people, you don’t hold it against them and would still do anything for them.
Anything that might make others look unfavorably upon you can send you deep into a pit of self-loathing. Even the smallest things can make you feel like you’re not good enough for your friends━or anyone else, for that matter.
As with all mental illnesses, you can begin the long journey of recovery once you’ve identified the problem! Maybe one day you’ll finally feel comfortable being yourself around others!