As I cleaned my room blasting Mariah Cary’s “All I want for Christmas is you,” my housemate came in and gave me the “No Christmas music before Thanksgiving” speech. We’ve all heard this rule, but I had to pause and wonder who made this a holiday decree? The advertisements and decorations have been out since Halloween. Starbucks is piled high with their holiday red cups. There is even a winter nip in the air. So why can’t I play my Christmas music? On the one hand, some believe you are rushing into Christmas and skipping over Thanksgiving. However, here are 10 reasons why Christmas music is okay before Thanksgiving:
1. It makes you feel warm and cozy.
2. It’s music everybody knows that you can all sing along too.
3. It makes your cookies taste better.
4. It gives you holiday cheer.
5. It inspires you to make crafts.
6. It is G-rated (unlike Miley Cyrus these days).
7. It encourages you to help others.
8. It puts a skip in your walk when walking in the cold.
9. It relieves you of midterm anxiety.
10. Let’s be honest, your grocery store is already playing it and you sing along to it shopping, so why not in your own home?