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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.


November 7, 2015

One week. Four days of finals. That’s all that’s left until you’re packing up your home away from home, until four months of freedom. If you’re heading home or staying in Portland, four months is a long time to be on summer vacation. The end of the school year is a time full of mixed emotions. You are leaving the people and surroundings you spend literally ALL of your time with. I know, personally I am going to miss these people like CRAZY (because personal space is something I have gotten used to giving up). I share my bed with people whose needs I often place before my own. I live in a room with the one person who will switch from an iPhone to a flip phone and become a vegetarian because…why not? She is the person who spilled on my carpet even though I REPEATEDLY warned her not too. These are two of my “Besties for the Resties”, and although the group chat has come to a temporary halt I don’t think our friendship will ever end.  

November 6, 2016

I don’t say it often enough but, I appreciate you. You’re there for me even when I choose to lock you out. You make me break down my walls. I enjoy every moment together (even if I don’t show it). Thanks for two years of unforgettable memories.

February 2, 2016

Honestly this is not about me or my friends, it’s about everyone. Although we are always connected, I think we are still the most isolated generation. So if you’re reading this go, tell everyone who means something to you that you love and appreciate them. We don’t say it enough, and we tend to assume that they know it, but everyone loves to hear that they are loved. I know I don’t say it enough. So go on and let all those wonderful people in your life know that they are loved.

And if you’re packing up and going home for the first, second, third or fiftieth time, let all of those people who made your life even the slightest bit better know how much you care. Because wouldn’t it feel great if someone thanked you for just being yourself. 

Just remember, you are loved!!!