Name: Mike Allen
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Birmingham, Michigan
Mike, my man, talk skateboards to me. What kind, where do you skate and why skateboarding?
I’m all about skating everything so I like to switch it up a lot, sometimes park, sometimes downhill, sometimes just to the store. I think what I love about skateboarding is how calming it is. It’s hard for me to be sad when I’m skating regardless of what I’m skating or who I’m skating with.
You’re originally from Michigan, ever plan on going back? If not, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
As much as I’d like to say I’m not going back, thereā€™s something about the Midwest that always pulls me back – at least just to visit. It’s hard to beat a nice summer day during cherry season in Michigan. That being said, I don’t plan on moving back any time soon, not before Kid Rock moves out of my town.
Describe for me your perfect weekend.
My perfect weekend is pretty much any weekend that includes lots of friends, big tunes, and maybe a trip to the farmers market – I’m a sucker for free samples of habanero jam.
How about your perfect date?
I’m really not picky when it comes to dates; coffee and music are a winning combination for me.
Dress up, or casual when it comes to fashion?
I like to walk the line when it comes to fashion, so I’ll say business casual. However, I’ve just started watching Mad Men, so I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if that changes in the near future.