February may be coming to a close, but it’s been an eventful one for Portland. We’ve finally stopped tweeting about Snowpocalypse 2014 and are back to enjoying (or complaining) about the rain. Here’s a list of our favorite things from February, and maybe a couple things we’re looking forward to!
1. SNOW.
It was here and then it was gone, but we enjoyed it while it lasted. For all of us, it meant no school, but it also meant no work for many of us. Combine these things and it called for an extended, wild weekend. Whether you ventured outside or stayed inside with Netflix, Snowpocaplyse 2014 was something to remember, which is why it’s one of our favorite things!
2. Working it out.
Here in Portland we take pride in loving the great outdoors. We hike, run, swim, and bike to revel in the fresh air and get some exercise. February is an especially great month for all of these things because we’ve looked at our calendars and Spring Break is practically staring right back at us! Whether you’re working for your beach bod or taking advantage of the breaks from rain, working it out is one of our fav things.
3. Dessert.
Yes, we work hard, but we play harder. And lately, dessert has been on the mind. The end of Valentine’s Day was not the end of our cravings, and we have been frequenting all the best dessert places in search for a cure. Salt & Straw is always a favorite and even with the cold weather we’re venturing out for a taste. Because being a real Portlander means frozen dessert even when the ground is frozen. If this isn’t one of your favorite things in February, get on board! Plus the Girl Scouts are starting to sell cookies. Need we say more?
4. Prospies.
Here come the new freshmen! The tours have begun and the administrative offices are beginning to prepare for Weekend on the Bluff. We love this time for two reasons. One, because the prospective students have such fresh faces and look so well rested. And two, because once the current freshman start to realize they won’t be the youngest on campus anymore, they get a little swagger in their step. That’s what we like to see.
5. The 13th Man.
The Superbowl seems forever ago, but it was part of our favorite things of February! The 12th Man is strong, but could the 13th Man be stronger? Some may call Portland bandwagoners, but we like to see it as external support from a state away. We cheered them to a victory in one of the most uneventful Superbowl games to date. Plus, what other team would we root for? The 49ers?