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Dating Tips for the Inexperienced

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Princeton chapter.

Over the past two weeks, 25% of my breakfast, lunch, and dinner conversations have been about relationships. After I considered the fact that almost everyone harps about the hookup culture on campus, I was surprised by how often we collegiettes and collegents voice our desire for more in our relationships. Brace yourself for some bonafide dating tips (courtesy of datemyschool and Her Campus Princeton).

1. Date efficiently. We are all busy. Few individuals expect their significant other to spend midterm week or finals period planning extravegant dates. It’s simply not practical. Date whoever is able to respect the time commitment you are willing to give to the relationship. 

2. Avoid dormcest all all costs. The convenience is awesome until you’re ditched for your neighbor. #awkwardzeegrouprenunionsmuch

3. Date within your budget. 

4. Date outside of your department. It’s a great way to expand your social circle and to expand your intellectual horizons. Also, do you really want to be in the same departmentals as your significant other. I don’t know about you, but that just sounds ridiculously stressful. 

5. Manage your time. If you’re hoping to hang out with that hottie, but have yet to start on your 20-page paper due tomorrow, then bust out your 50’s grooves and compromise with a study date. 

Want to try dating the unconventional way? We’ve got tips specifically for datemyschool users. 

1. Date safely. If you’re considering online dating, join a site that you can trust: datemyschool verifies every user (students must register with their .edu email addresses), protects against fake profiles, and provides its members with total control over who can and cannot see them on the site.

2. Date anonymously. If you’re worried about seeing people you know on a dating site, then try datemyschool: we automatically block your department so that your classmates won’t ever see you and you’ll never see them. Plus, you can filter through other schools and departments to choose who can and cannot access your profile — and you don’t need to freak out about friends stalking your relationship status online since we don’t index profiles on Google.

3. Date exclusively. If you’re concerned about the types of people you’ll meet on a dating site, then feel rest assured that datemyschool lets only verified students and alumni to join. And hey, since you’re either attending the same school or a nearby school as the other members, you’ll share an initial bond over your educational backgrounds, values and goals, which is a great ice-breaker for your first date.

Not sure if you should give datemyschool a try? Check out the Her Campus Princeton official review. 

Ajibike Lapite is a member of Princeton University’s Class of 2014. When not studying, Ajibike tutors at the Young Scholar’s Institute in Trenton, NJ; serves as the President  of the Princeton Premedical Society; is the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Princeton; currently holds the title of Most Stylish Undergraduate (from Stylitics). Ajibike is a  molecular biology major with a certificate in global health & policy. She enjoys consumption of vanilla ice cream and sweet tea, watching games of criquet, exploring libraries, lusting after Blair Waldorf’s wardrobe, watching far too much television, editing her novel, staying watch at the mailbox, playing tennis and golf in imitation of the pros, hanging out with the best friends she’s ever had, baking cookies that aren’t always awesome, being Novak Djokovic’s fan girl, and sleeping—whenever and wherever she can.