Growing up with four dogs, walking them, taking them to the beach, and going to the dog park, I’ve encountered some absurd human dog partnerships. Dogs are becoming to look more and more like humans every day, especially their owners. If you’re in the market for a dog, keep in mind that apparently looking like your kanine is the hottest trend right now. I swear my poodle Hadley looks more like my Mom than I do. Check out these celebrities that got the owner-dog twin duo down pat!
1. Paris and Prince Hilton
2. Ashley and Blondie Tisdale
3. Hugh and JJ Jackman
4. Gwen and Chewy Stefani
5. Lisa, Ken, and Jiggy Vanderpump
6. Blake and Penny Lively
7. Michelle and Bo Obama
8. Ben and his German Shephard
9. Ryan and George Gosling
10. Perez and Teddy Hilton