My first reaction to this campaign was utter shock. For those of you who did not know, the #MeToo Campaign was centered off an opinion article in the New York Times called  “Being a Feminist in Harvey Weisntein’s World”. This piece was written by Mayim Bialk and argued that harassment for women is based off how attractive a woman is as well as how they dress.
Yes, Bialk’s article is full of the same sexists reasoning society uses to justify sexual harassment. Reading this article enraged me personally. However, it didn’t just enrage me, it enraged millions of women. The article quickly went viral as people argued against the main point in Bialk’s article. In fact, model Alyssa Milano even tweeted this in response:
Milano’s tweet started a viral campaign.  12 million women tweeted #MeToo to show the maginute of sexual assualt (although 300,000 men in addition contributed as well). Here are some of the most impactful tweets from the campaign: