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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.


Name: Addison Thomas

Class Year: 2021

Hometown: Rochester, NY

Major: Marketing


Addison Thomas is a Freshman at Providence College. We met three weeks ago on move-in day, and have been friends ever since. She is incredibly sweet, outgoing, and friendly and has big plans for her next four years at PC. While interviewing her, I learned of her pet monkeys and her Talk Show plans. 


Q: Why did you choose Providence College? 

A: I chose PC because out of any of the schools that I applied to Providence gave me the closest feeling to a family. It felt like a new home. I also loved the school spirit and hearing people yell “Go Friars” on my tour. 


Q: During your four years at PC, what do you hope to accomplish?

A: I hope to make as make as many friends as I can, while also getting involved in everything that sparks an interest in me. I hope to never restrict myself from joining new clubs and trying everything new. I would never want to look back at my four years here and regret not doing something. I’d love to take advantage of all that Providence has to offer. 


Q: What is your favorite memory at Providence so far? 

A: Hands down, Golf Party. It’s been the most fun event since I got here. It’s cool to take part in a tradition that everyone talks about. 


Q: What is your favorite meal at Ray? 

A: I don’t know if there’s any one meal in particular, but I always love the ice cream machine, the hummus, and the yogurt parfaits. Most of the time I go to the vegetarian bar because they have so many different options. Oh, and also the curly fries. The curly fries are really really good. 


Q: Where is your favorite place off campus? 

A: I love going to Thayer street, and honestly any and all places related to food. A favorite of mine is Knead Doughnuts in the city, and also Bolt Coffee at the Dean Hotel. I’m a huge coffee fan. 


Q: What was your first family pet? 

A: A monkey! I had a huge family of monkeys that lived at my house. When I was younger, I lived in Brazil. They fell into our hands, because they were right outside our house and would always hang out around our driveway. We would feed them and take care of them, as though they were our own. 


Q: Where’s one place you’d like to go that you haven’t been? 

A: Definitely Spain. It’s where I plan to study abroad. I love what I know of the culture, and it’d be fascinating to immerse myself in it. Speaking Spanish, I think it’d be cool to be able to navigate around a different country and communicate with the people. 


Q: What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? And would you do it again? 

A: I’ve eaten a grub before, a live grub, in the Amazon. It was disgusting, but I was in a state of mind where I was a thrill seeker. I would probably do it again if I were in that same environment. 


Q: If you were given a check for 5,000 dollars right now, how would you spend it? 

A: I would donate a large portion of it to a charitable cause of my choice. Such as a cause that helps builds schools for underprivileged children that do not have a proper education system. Such as Me To We, in Ecuador. 


Q: If you had a TV show what would it be about? 

A: A think a reality show would always be interesting because I’d love to see what my life looks like in the eyes of someone else. I would also love to do a talk show that brings light to other peoples days such as Ellen Degeneres because she takes interviewing and adds a comical twist to it. 


Q: Who is your greatest hero? 

A: Definitely, my parents. They are my biggest heroes and influences in life. They’ve established a hard work ethic in me, and a passion for many of things that I consider hobbies today. They’ve shown me my love of traveling and learning about new cultures. 





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Mary Kantor


Megan McGunigle is a Political Science and English double major at Providence College. On campus, Megan is involved with WDOM the student run radio station, Club Figure Skating and the organization Generation Citizen. Generation Citizen helps to civically engage students in local middle schools and high schools. She also enjoys ice cream, chocolate, and pizza. Her dream job would be working as a journalist in Washington D.C. to write about all the country's political happenings.