If you have been paying attention to what’s been going on in The Bachelor World then you know the fandom is NOT happy with the choice of Colton as the latest Bachelor. Many people I talked to said this is the last straw, after Arie’s and Nick’s lame seasons, they just couldn’t do it again, and I can’t say I blame them. I was a huge Colton fan during Becca’s season, but he was a major weenie hut junior on Bachelor in Paradise. The whole Tia situation was so played out. Like relationships are not that hard… Well, I guess this is the Bachelor universe, where everything is dramatic. Overall, I am not here for Colton (personally, because I was rooting for a second season with America’s sweetheart Ben Higgins but, *sigh*, all well). The internet seems to agree and they are not afraid to hide their unhappiness.
1. Everyone is confused and not afraid to show it!
2. Everyone one wants to know HOW THIS HAPPENED.
3. We all agree he is not ready and his wishy-washy attitude will not go over well. Â
4. We feel ignored.
5. But in the end, we know we are going to watch anyway.