24 hours, 16 dancers, 16 moralers, 1 cause: to kick cancer’s butt.
On December 4, 2015, the Penn State Behrend community came together For The Kids. Sixteen dancers (myself included) and sixteen moralers, whose job was to cheer on the dancers, stood on their feet for 24 hours for a philanthropy event called 24 FAC (For A Cure). This event, hosted only by Penn State Behrend, is held to raise money and awareness for pediatric cancer. 24 FAC benefits the Four Diamonds fund, which is a charity set up through the Hershey Medical Center. The Hershey Medical Center donates the money that we raise to families around the country to help cover the costs of doctor’s appointment, treatments, and transportation.
From the moment I found out that Behrend had their own version of Penn State’s THON, I was inspired to participate in 24 FAC. THON is one of the largest charities in the world, and is heald at Penn State University Park. The students who participate in that event must stand on their feet for 46 hours without sitting. I have always thought that THON was an amazing cause, so when I found out Behrend that hosted something similar, I immediately got involved. I started participating in THON events at my high school, North Allegheny, when I danced in mini-thon for 6 hours but, 24 FAC was a whole new experience.
3…2…1… STAND UP!!!
The night had begun and everyone was ready to go; when sitting was no longer a privilege, the clock became our motivation. For 24 hours, music resonated through Erie hall and people danced, jumped and swayed to the beat. Even while they were in the middle of doing another activity, for instance, playing basketball, their hips continued to sway and feet were constantly tapping; you just couldn’t help but dance. Even people who “did not know how to dance” at least resorted to the faithful whip and nay- nay.
Every hour, all the dancers and moralers got together to perform a choreographed line dance. Although I did not know the dance in the beginning, by the 24th time, everyone was a pro at it. In addition to the dance, each hour there was a special event planned and sponsored by different members of the Behrend community. Sororities, fraternities, clubs and more came in to 24 FAC and entertained the dancers for an hour or so. There were so many activities, but I will touch upon some of my favorites. I will never forget, around 2 in the morning everyone’s feet were starting to get sore and people were starting to look like The Walking Dead. However, we had an awakening when we got to stand in a giant tub of Jell-o. I don’t know if you have ever stepped in Jell-o before but, it felt amazing! I would have stood in there all night if there hadn’t been a huge line of people behind me waiting to give their achy feet some relief! Some of the other activities included games of soccer, ultimate Frisbee, pickle ball and team building activities. As if we needed more entertainment, there was a bouncy house, photo booth, and a pie in the face activity, which left everyone with whipped cream in their hair, nose, and ears! There wasn’t a single moment where I felt bored, but whenever we didn’t know what to do, we danced! Let me tell you, if you didn’t know how to Soldier Boy or Dougie going into the night, by hour 24, you did. At sunrise, people shared personal stories of why they dance at 24 FAC. This part of the event was extremely touching, and it gave me all of the energy I needed to dance through the remaining 6 hours.
3…2…1… SIT DOWN!!
When the 24 hours ended, the positivity in the room did not. The energy in the room was contagious, and the feeling of accomplishment gave everyone a high (sitting did feel amazing though). The echo of moans as everyone hit the ground made me laugh; I never thought about how something as simple as sitting could make so many people happy. I didn’t want to leave, although as soon as I got back to my dorm, I almost fell asleep before I made it to my bed.
This experience was truly unforgettable, and I encourage everyone to try and participate! In just 24 hours, I made so many friends, and even more memories. For the rest of my life, I will recount the story of the day I was able to help raise $5,157.99. One day I hope I get the opportunity to be one of the three individuals selected yearly from Behrend to go to THON at University Park and dance for 46 hours; until then, I will continue to dance in 24 FAC every year. It is tiring, and at some points you do have to put up a fight, but when I started to think I couldn’t do it anymore, I remembered why I had already been standing for 17 hours, and that gave me all the energy I needed to get me to hour 24. Hope to see you there next year! #FTK