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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

Halloween is just around the corner. With so many fun fall activities, deciding on the perfect costume can pose a challenge. I know I spend hours scrolling through Pinterest trying to find the perfect costume. While on my search, I managed to find some pretty simple and cheap costumes for anyone. Whether it be to save a few bucks or if Halloween creeped up on you a little faster than expected, these DIY Halloween costumes are quick, easy, cute, and affordable. To make it even easier, be sure to check with your friends to see if they have any of the clothing you will need prior to going out and buying anything!  

1.       The Classic Black Cat

Let’s face it, cat Halloween costumes will never go out of style. To achieve this look, you simply need all black clothing, some cat ears, a tail, and some makeup. This is one of the easiest, quickest, and cheapest costumes to make. Plus, black looks good on everyone- meow! 


2.       The Little Mermaid

This adorable costume only takes a few dollars and some creativity. Start by searching your closet; you will need green bottoms of your choice, a purple crop top or a white tank (with sea shells painted on), and some spray-in hairspray or a wig.   

If you are really looking for simplicity, go for the post-ocean Ariel washed up on shore. This only requires an old sheet fastened on with a small rope, a red wig or red hairspray, and some makeup. You could even add a dinglehopper of your own.


3.       Be a Bath Scrubby!

This easily-made costume can be put together with tulle from the fabric store, some safety pins, a shoe lace or other thick string, and some soap. Fasten the tulle onto your clothing using the safety pins and add a loop of the string onto the tulle. Carry around the soap, grab your gang of gal-pals, and hit the town! 


4.       Netflix and Chill?

For a more creative costume, try going as Netflix and chill. Wear a red shirt or dress with a “Netflix” label, and carry around an ice tray! Or go with a friend and play out the two parts. 

5.       Minnie Mouse 

For a cute and simple costume, Minnie Mouse is our go-to. Wear your favorite red skirt or pair of shorts and a simple black t-shirt. Top off this look with some Minnie Mouse ears and a tail! For more detail, glue on some polka dots, add a bow to your ears, and find yourself a Mickey!


6.       Energizer Bunny!

Put a new twist on the classic bunny costume and go as the Energizer Bunny. Wear all pink clothing, add some bunny ears and craft a DIY drum. The drum can be as easy as an empty coffee can, some paint, and some glued-on straps to use for carrying the instrument. Bring out your crafty side to create one or two “batteries” to fasten to your back, remember some big drum sticks and this costume is complete!


7.       School Girl

Another Halloween classic that can be put together using clothes you may already have! A plaid skirt, some knee-high socks, taped glasses, and a button-up with a sweater vest will be perfect. Add a tie or bow to complete this costume.


8.       Robber 

Steal the attention with this cute and easy robber costume! With black bottoms, a striped shirt, a black beanie, black gloves and an eye mask, you will have this costume in the bag (which would be another cute prop).


9.       Heavenly Angel

Put together an all-white outfit of your choice, add a halo, a set of wings, and this costume is done. The halo and wings can be picked up from a discount or dollar store, add some makeup and lots of glitter and pair up with a devil for a cute Instagram picture!


10.   Mario and Luigi

This classic duo provides the perfect costume for a pair. With jean shorts, red and green crop tops, Mario and Luigi hats, fake mustaches, white high socks, and some suspenders, you and a friend can complete this cute and simple costume. 

So this Halloween, have no fear; these DIY costumes are easier than they appear! 


Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Hi! My name is Jenna and I'm an accounting/finance major at Behrend but I enjoy taking pictures and blogging in my free time.