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Miles’s Monthly Hot Tips: Relationship Advice

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

We all have things that we don’t understand. We all have been in situations that we don’t know how to get out of. We ask our friends and they don’t always have the answer for us, so that’s why I’m here. This is Miles’s Monthly Hot Tip(s), this month it’s about relationship advice. These answers are strictly from a guy’s perspective – mine. So, I asked the Her Campus members here at Penn State Behrend to ask me some of their own impending questions and here they are:


How do you stop liking someone who is trying to use you?

This is one of the hardest things to do. Being in a toxic relationship is physically and emotionally draining. One way to stop liking someone who is trying to use you is to create some distance between you and the person. You can do this by temporarily de-friending the person, or being honest and telling them that you can’t continue because it’s hurting you. Another solid way is by cutting ties. Sometimes in life we try to hang on to things and people that aren’t good for us. Realizing this person is a bad habit that you need to quit is hard, but a necessary step in order to stop liking that person. With these types of relationships, you typically make excuses for the person justifying their actions, so a third way to try to get over it is venting to a friend and getting their advice on the matter. Talking to a good friend gives you an objective perspective on the matter that you might not have been able to see yourself. Stay strong, it takes time, it will most likely hurt, but you got this hang in there.


What are signs that he’s into you?

Some signs that he is into you can range depending upon the guy and the personality, but some common signs that he’s into you can usually be:

Texting First: Texting first can definitely be a sign that he’s interested, because that means that he thought enough about you not only that he decided to take time out of his day to actually send a text, but also that he wants to talk to you and get to know you better.

Emoji Usage: Guys will typically not be frequent emojis users in texts. When a guy is interested you, you will typically be able to see a change in behavior with emojis in the texts. Some typical emojis guys will use when interested are; smiley faces, hearts, and the monkey covering eyes emoji.

Asking to Go Out (Casually): Typically, before a guy expresses interest in someone, he will use similar interests in order to have a reason to go out as friends. This could be something as simple as you mentioning the fact that you like Chipotle and him mentioning that you two should go together at a later time.


What is too clingy/not enough?

This is another relative question that all depends upon the guy and the situation. Some guys like the constant affection from their significant other, and will choose to spend more time with you than his friends. Some guys like being two separate people and being able to have your own friends when apart, but when you are together, make it evident that it is time for just the two of you. The best way to figure out what works or doesn’t work is by talking to each other. Transparency in a relationship is honestly the best thing.


Something bugging you? Something on your mind that you need advice on? Email me: mmhottips@gmail.com for the chance to be featured on the next edition of Miles’s Monthly Hot Tips!


Sources: 1 2 3

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Miles Turner

PS Behrend

The way to my heart is through my coffee. Coffee addict, animal lover, and aspiring yogi. Finance/Spanish Major, International Business Minor PSU '19
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Kayla McEwen

PS Behrend

Kayla A. McEwen: President and Campus Correspondent  Senior at Penn State Behrend Marketing & Professional Writing Major Part-time dreamer and full-time artist Lover of art, fashion, witty conversation, winged eyeliner, and large cups of warm beverages.