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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

Olivia Wickline: 


This year I wanted to stop coming home from work or class and just spending my night watching Youtube or Netflix then going to bed. Instead, I wanted to start doing things that kept my brain active or get a hobby that would allow me to gain something out of my night. So, I’ve started reading, doing puzzles, playing sudoku, and I’ve even begun doing yoga.


I finished my first puzzle of 2020 (it definitely had a wizard and dragon on it), and it felt is so gratifying! Plus, it’s nice just putting on some funky music and allowing myself to get into the zone and just start puzzlin’. Yes, I am a grandmother. Yes, I’ve accepted myself as such.



Yes, I did have a piece missing only to find it over a week later in the drawer of my kitchen island… immediately after I disassembled the puzzle.


I also have started the 30-day yoga challenge where you follow a yoga video for 30 minutes for 30 days. I find myself looking forward to it every day, and I love feeling myself get stronger throughout the process. Yoga with Adrienne is a great channel if you want to get into some beginner yoga!



Every year I tell myself that I will make these New Year’s resolutions like “I will eat healthy,” “I will be nicer,” “I will work out more,” blah blah blah, but I feel as if those always last me a few days and then I completely forget about the fact that I made those and that resolutions were even a thing. 


This year, I made a resolution, and I was determined to stick to it. I would say almost a month in, I have done pretty well with it. My resolution this year is to just be more present. By this, I mean when I am out with family, friends, or my boyfriend, I have stopped using my phone so much and rather stuck to living in the moment and being present. I am very guilty of just pulling my phone out of habit and scrolling through Instagram when I am with my friends. The thing that I needed to realize, and I’m sure others who are addicted to their phone need to realize, as well, is that Instagram will always be there, Snapchat stories will always be there (that is for 24 hours), and any other thing that you are picking up your phone for will be there, but the moments you are in won’t be. 

Credit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sallypercy/2020/12/30/10-new-years-resoluti…


I see my boyfriend once every couple weeks because we go to different colleges, and so this year, I have told myself that I want to soak up every moment I have with him for the couple of days we are together. My Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and every other thing I use my phone for are not going anywhere after the weekend ends, but the times with him are.


Ciara Boyle:

For 2020, I’ve thought long and hard about what my New Year’s resolution would be. Instead of doing the cliché of going to the gym, or eating healthy, I decided I want to focus more on my mental health a lot more in 2020. I believe mental health is something that is very important to every single person, and it needs to be taken into consideration a lot more than it is, especially in college students. The stress and pressures of becoming an adult is a lot for 20 year olds to deal with, so we need to make sure we take time out of our day to focus on us and how we are feeling. Another thing I need to focus on more is myself. I am a person that is always caring about others, and putting others first, but I need to learn how to be there for myself just as much as I’m there for my friends. I’m really hoping I can come close or achieve this goal in 2020.


Megan Kirk:


I went into 2020 with lots of small goals that could lead to a larger impact in my life. I honestly haven’t been doing that great with my goals except for a few. My biggest one is “dressing for success” 5 out of 7 days a week. I’ve stuck to that one pretty religiously for the whole month of January. This streak might end because I simultaneously have a concussion and the flu right now so I’m definitely not feeling my best. Other goals of mine were taking more time for myself. I’m a really busy person and definitely give up a lot of sanity for others so I wanted to spend more time treating myself and taking care of me. 

I think I did an okay job so far in 2020, there definitely could be more improvement but it’s definitely a big step forward. Some of the steps I wanted to take were to have more “me time”, earlier wake-up, earlier bedtime, meditation, skin care, hobbies, healthy eating, more water, better sleep schedule, saying no more often and reading more for pleasure. I started off January strong by doing a lot of this but I definitely need to schedule in a lot of these things into my days more often.

Credit: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-keep-new-years-resolutions/

 Another one of my goals was to try and make someone’s day every day. I think I’ve done this one every day in January. I try to compliment someone, pay it forward, small surprises, random acts of kindness, comment on people’s Instagram posts and check-in with my friends more often! This one has been super easy to do because I have really amazing friends who deserve recognition and it takes .2 seconds out of my day but to see how much people love it and it brightens their day really makes me happy.

 My last goal was to stay organized by keeping up to date with my planner, keeping my mind and space clear of junk, and small cleanups daily of my space. This one is always a work in progress because I’m kind of a hot mess and all over the place so I’m gonna need to keep working on that one! 

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Lauren Barr

PS Behrend '21

Hey everyone! I'm Lauren, and I am a Campus Correspondent and the Vice President of Her Campus PS Behrend. I am a Junior Finance major with an Applied Economics minor, currently studying towards receiving my Certificate in Financial Planning. When I'm not busy calculating stock prices and all other things Finance, I enjoy writing and posting articles that interest me through Her Campus. When I have time off from school, I love to travel and explore new places. I also am a sucker for any and all dogs, but especially my own, Harley and Cooper! Thanks for visiting my page and I hope you enjoy my articles.    
Communication Major at Penn State Behrend Intersectional Feminist Do More Of What Makes You Happy
Cheerleading. Boybands. True Crime. Makeup. College Football. Basic AF.
Ciara Boyle

PS Behrend '21

Psychology major with an LER minor! i love my dog more than anything<3
Ramsey Struble

PS Behrend '21

Penn State Behrend//Biology Pre-Optometry