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Original photo by Emma Wesolowski

10 Things I’m Grateful for as a Penn State Student

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

As a Penn State student there always seems to be a lot going on campus and with work. However, we should take the time to observe all the good things college has had to offer.

I know how hard it is to balance classes, homework, the gym, afterschool activities and a social life. However, these are one of the best years of our lives.

Let’s take a moment to be grateful.

football games

Football games obviously had to be the first thing mentioned. Growing up I was never a sports fan, much less a football fan.

Coming to Penn State taught me a lot about the sport and the culture behind it. Until Penn State, I had never been to a tailgate, never played the stump game, never tried the famous chicken basket and never got to style my clothes based on a sports team.

Penn State football, I’m grateful for you.

dorm rooms

I know most people have their roommate horror stories but living in the dorms my freshman year really brought me closer to my friends.

I got to live in a rundown dorm with communal bathrooms and one tiny sink, but I met the people who would be in my life forever.

Mifflin, I am grateful for you.

the white loop

I know sometimes the bus is perceived as the lazy way of getting to school but it has helped me with my motivation to go to class.

The White Loop has quite literally never failed me. Plus, I’ve made some friends when taking the Whoop to class.

White Loop, I am grateful for you.

massive school spirit

Nothing has ever made me prouder than to be a Nittany Lion. School spirit is such an important aspect of what makes Penn State so great.

I can still remember the pure excitement I felt when learning the new chants at my first football game. It must explain why they call it Happy Valley.

School spirit, I am grateful for you.


I don’t even know where to begin. THON has changed my life.

I never would have guessed I would’ve been a part of something so much bigger than myself. THON has taught me to be patient, persistent, brave and vulnerable.

I have had the privilege to meet so many amazing people who have taken the time to share their stories with me.

This is not an experience I would trade for the world.

THON, I am grateful for you.

campus organizations

In high school, I was never really a part of anything outside of school. When coming to Penn State I got involved in several organizations like Trilogy and Her Campus at PSU.

Both organizations helped me make new friends and build new relationships. They have created outlets for me to get involved.

I wouldn’t be the same without Trilogy and Her Campus at PSU.

Campus organizations, I am grateful for you.

allen street pizza

Contrary to popular belief, Allen Street Pizza is one of the best pizza places in downtown State College.

It’s the perfect place to eat after a night out or during the day with friends. The people who work there are also very friendly which adds to the appeal.

Allen Street Pizza, I am grateful for you.

big nightlife

Penn State is known for its adverse Greek life and bars. Since my freshman year, I always loved going out to parties with friends.

I am very extroverted and this is one of the ways I would let off steam after a long week.

Penn State’s nightlife, I am grateful for you.

college advisors

When I first came to Penn State I started off as a nutrition major. I had recently got into going to the gym and I thought it would be a good fit for me.

However, with the help of my advisor, I realized that nutrition was not the right fit for me. Now, I am a journalism major with a minor in English.

I couldn’t have made that smooth of a transition without my advisor.

For my advisor, I am grateful.

the bars

After turning 21 this past August, I have been really excited to try out all the bars and see which ones I liked.

I have been able to meet a lot of amazing people at the bars and many new friends. At the moment, my favorite bar is Doggies Pub!

For the bars I am grateful.

It’s really important to remember to be grateful for things; even the small things. Taking a moment to think of the things I am grateful for has really uplifted my mood and my overall gratitude for things.

I hope this helps you, too.

Penn State junior majoring in journalism and minoring in english! I hope you enjoy.