Finstagram (n) Finsta for short, is a mixture of Fake & Instagram. People, usually girls, get a second Instagram account along with their real Instagrams, rinstagrams, to post any pictures or videos they desire. The photos or videos posted are usually funny or embarrassing. Only your closest friends follow this account. (
1. The Drunk
She is known for having three different types of posts: The “why am I not drunk right now” post, the “I’m blacked out” post, and the “what happened last night” post. The finsta community would not be the same without videos of her stumbling home from parties without shoes on.
2. The Regina George
Basically, this girl couldn’t care less. Her account is equivalent to the Burn Book from Mean Girls. If she doesn’t like someone, her followers are informed. She posts about her enemies using first and last names. Sometimes she even blocks her own followers if she suspects they are not loyal to keeping her posts secret. If you follow her, you feel guilty about it, but you still stalk her more than you stalk anyone else. Â
3. The Debbie Downer
She often posts sad, dimly lit selfies with depressing captions. She never fails to remind you that her life sucks. She got an F on her test? She finstas about it. She has a cold? She finstas about it. Her fish died? She finstas about it.
4. The One Who Just Isn’t Funny
This girl shouldn’t quit her day job as a “Rinstagrammer.” You give her sympathy likes, but you really wish you never followed her in the first place.
5. The Foodie
This girl loves to eat. Her feed is mostly just pictures of her eating food. If there is no food in the picture, her caption is most likely something about being hungry.Â
6. The BFFs
These two girls have what is called a joint-finsta; they share an account and make posts whenever they are together. They are so similar that their followers can’t tell which of them makes each post. They’re inseparable.
7. The Fanatic
This girl has contemplated deleting her rinsta due to her unwavering dedication to finsta. She posts daily and takes great pride in her account. She has almost as many finsta followers as she does rinsta followers.
8. The Storyteller
She has captions that are long enough to be handed in as an English essay. Her followers often have to decide whether it’s worth taking five minutes to read her posts.
9. The “I’m Ugly and I’m Proud”
She flaunts her double chin, pimples and bad angles. She never worries about retaking a picture before posting — even if she has a booger. She’s an inspiration to all.
10. The TMI
You know everything about her personal endeavors. She posts when she’s pooping. She posts about her trip to the gynecologist. She posts about her sexual encounters in full detail. You know more about her than you know about yourself.
So the next time you’re on Finsta, see which one you identify with!Â