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12 Unique Ways to Get the Most out of Halloween

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Halloween – arguably one of the most beloved holidays from children and college students alike. From costumes to cocktails, “Halloweekend” at Penn State is guaranteed to hold mischief and mayhem. But what if you aren’t a big party goer, or prefer a more low-key celebration? Have no fear — I’ve got you covered. Listed below are twelve ways you can spend your Halloween that ensure a fun and festive celebration. 

1. Bobbing for apples

What’s not to love? At best, you get a free apple. At worst, a disease from the shared water. Sounds like an equal-payoff to me.

2. trick-or-treating

Arguably more fun than any fraternity party. Plus, free candy!

3. Riding a horse down College Ave while wearing a pumpkin mask

No reason for this tradition to only stay in Sleepy Hollow when State College is in some desperate need of Halloween cheer.

4. Trying to summon a spirit with an Ouija Board.

Tired of the same old boring, predictable plots and tropes from horror movies? Well, now you can create your own! Conjure at your own risk.

5. Dressing up like a scarecrow and standing really, really still in a cornfield

Nothing like a little LARPing to get you in the Halloween spirit.

6. Creating a (definitive) Halloween candy tier-list with your friend group

They say that healthy debates are a sign of healthy relationships. What better subject matter(s) to tussle over than “Kit-Kats” and “Three Musketeers”?

7. Reading Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and hosting a book club

For all the book worms out there. Or, you could also host a “Dracula” movie night if you’re a fan of Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves – and who isn’t?

8. Starting a cult, but just for Halloweekend

Candle-lit rituals, black robes, exclusive membership and participation – all the makings of a great social. Don’t fret, though; this is an All Hallows Eve only occurrence. After all, what’s scarier than full-time commitment?

9. vlogging with some friends as you search for a witch in the woods

Don’t knock it ‘till you try it. A pioneer of the classic “found footage” horror genre, “The Blair Witch Project” is essentially a how-to guide for the perfect spooky night. Bonus points if you live to tell the tale.

10. Making paper bats out of black construction paper

Want to decorate your apartment or dorm room in an affordable manner? This DIY is the perfect way to ensure your space is as festive as can be.

11. catching and training a raven to repeatedly say “nevermore”

Though it may eventually grow a little irritating, the atmosphere and ambiance provided would be perfect for October.

12. faking your death so you can come back as a “ghost”

Everyone loves a good comeback kid. If you’re really invested you could even paint your face white or sacrifice an old bedsheet to form a makeshift costume. Though your friends may be a little miffed at the whole “pretending-you-died” aspect, I’m sure it would make a great story and laugh for years to come.

Happy Halloween, Penn State! Whether you choose something from this list or not, may all your Halloweekends be frightfully fun (and safe).

Kendall is a current sophomore studying German and World Languages Education at Penn State. She enjoys reading, writing, and listening to copious amounts of Fiona Apple. Outside of Her Campus, she's involved with German Club and is a current Schreyer student.