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5 Fall Cookies That Aren’t Pumpkin Flavored

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

As the weather is getting colder, I am craving some warm goodies to get me through this fall season. As a lover of sweet treats, I can confirm that these are the top five cookies for the fall that are not pumpkin flavored.


Starting off strong we’ve got snickerdoodle cookies. I don’t know about you, but these cookies bring me back to my childhood. The warm, cinnamony chewy treats are filled with nostalgia and are a personal favorite of mine.

You may think these cookies are overdone, but there is a reason they are so popular. Snickerdoodles are the perfect cookies to transition you into fall.

Taylor Swift’s chai cookies

If you are a big Swiftie, I am sure you have heard of Taylor Swift’s famous chai cookies. Swift originally posted her cookie recipe in 2014, and even though it has been 10 years, the hype has never gone down.

As a certified iced chai lover, I can confirm that these flavors encapsulate fall to a tee. I have not met a single person who hasn’t gushed over these cookies, so they are definitely a must try this fall season.

Peanut butter blossom

While these cookies are great any time of year, the combination of peanut butter and chocolate gives off fall weather vibes.

These crunchy peanut butter cookies, rolled in sugar and topped with a kiss, just melt in your mouth. Whoever decided to combine those two flavors knew exactly what they were doing, and I thank them every single day.

These cookies are a staple in my house during the fall and winter, and you should definitely try them out once the weather gets chilly.

Coffee Cake Cookies

If you are not following @thepalatablelife on Instagram, you are missing out. The baker, Mallory, did a series where she made cookies based on popular TV shows. The cookie that went the most viral on her page was her coffee cake cookie based on the hit TV show “Gilmore Girls.”

Since “Gilmore Girls” is one of my favorite shows of all time, I knew I had to try them. You can’t tell me that “Gilmore Girls” doesn’t give off fall vibes.

I am no baker, but these cookies definitely did not disappoint. If you want to see more delicious cookie ideas and other fall recipes, check out their Instagram page or website for some additional inspiration this spooky season.

Pillsbury sugar cookies

Last but certainly not least, the Pillsbury sugar cookies. We know them, we love them and they will not be going anywhere anytime soon.

If you want a quick and easy sweet treat, grab these at literally any grocery store and pop them in the oven. You will not be disappointed. These are a family favorite for a reason and are the easiest way to enjoy a fall treat this season.

Thanks for reading my top five fall cookies, and hopefully you are able to enjoy some of these delicious treats this season.

Happy fall and happy eating!

Hi everyone I'm Paige! I am a sophomore at Penn State and my intended major is Public Relations. When I am not writing for Her Campus @ PSU, you can find me hanging with friends, binging a new TV show, or reading a good book. Outside of Her Campus @ PSU, I am also involved with ED2010 which is an organization that helps aspiring students reach their dream job with a magazine through networking, workshops, and speaker sessions. I am also involved with AWSM, Association for Women in Sports Media. They help students receive jobs in the sports media and journalism industry as well as supporting the growth of women in the sports industry. I am from Drexel Hill, PA which is right outside of Philly. I love to hangout with my two dogs and my younger sister, as well as spending time with my friends. I spend my summers down the shore and working at a water ice shop!