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5 Solo Dates for New College Students

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

College can be challenging, especially as a new student far from home feeling lonely and homesick. Learning to enjoy your own company and be your own friend during stressful times is so valuable.

Here is a list of solo dates you can go on to practice self-love.

Study date

There are many nice places on and off campus to do work. For on-campus options, you can try the HUB or HUB lawn, Paterno Humanities Reading Room or the commons in each residence hall.

These are perfect distraction-free zones, in my opinion.

For off-campus places, there are many cozy cafes and restaurants, including Irving’s (my personal favorite), Panera, Elixir and Starbucks to name a few.

Exploration walk

Put on a pair of headphones and take a nice stroll around campus while listening to your favorite podcast or artist. I did this my first week here, and it helped me become more familiar with the environment.

My favorite spots to walk around are downtown and the mall, located in front of the Pattee and Paterno Library. There are many good places to hike around State College as well, such as Mt. Nittany and the trails around Colyer Lake. However, it’s easier to get to these off-campus hiking spots if you have a car.

Walking and hiking are the perfect ways to relax and get your body moving at the same time, which leads to my next solo-date idea.

Gym session

An active lifestyle is always beneficial. According to the Mayo Clinic, working out relieves stress, balances your hormones, prevents future health risks, can lead to better sleep and so much more.

Additionally, it’s a good way to meet new friends and keep high energy levels throughout the week.

Personally, the IM Building was my second home last month. For my workout split, I do four days of strength training and cardio after every session. I found that incline walking or stair master for just 30 minutes has positively impacted my day-to-day life.

get a treat

Here at Penn State, we have great sweet treat options. There’s ice cream on campus from our very own Berkey Creamery or Yogurt Express downtown if you prefer frozen yogurt.

Cinnabon, Starbucks and Insomnia Cookies also provide delicious treats within walking distance.

Markets in every commons building also have a great selection of goodies. My personal favorites are the edible cookie dough bites.

Attend events

Although it may feel awkward to attend events alone, it is the perfect way to see all that PSU has to offer. Going to club meetings or a fair can also help you meet new people.

Thankfully, something is always happening on campus, and the possibilities are endless.

Besides the homecoming football game (where we took the W once again) my favorite event was the Hispanic Heritage Fair on Sept. 14. As a first-generation American-Cuban, it was important for me to keep in touch with my culture.

Here at Penn State, finding community is prioritized. Not only are there numerous ethnic/culture clubs, but there are also clubs related to religion, hobbies and any interest under the sun.

If you search for organizations at PSU, the site I’ve linked shows every club here on campus.

Beaver Stadium Penn State Football
Original photo by Fern Cuadro

Being a college student is hard enough as it is, so it is important to give yourself some grace. We have the privilege of experiencing college life at one of the best schools in the country, so make the most of it, no matter what that might look like for you.

Happy reading and enjoy the rest of the semester!

My name is Sophia Cueto and I am a freshman from Penn State. I am very excited to be a part of Her Campus! I love writing about wellness and current trends :)