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5 Songs to Get You Through Your College Transition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Feeling anxious or nostalgic about leaving home and moving into college?

These five songs will help guide you through this time.

“never grow up” by taylor swift

I instantly knew this song would be perfect as the number-one choice for this list. “Never Grow Up,” featured on Taylor Swift’s “Speak Now” album, is an absolute tear-jerker. Swift invokes emotion by having each verse go through a different stage of a girl’s life until she is on her own.

Many people can relate to this song during this point in their lives, as we are going through such a vast transition. This song reminds us to always hold the memories of our childhood close to our hearts.

“Forever Young” by Alphaville

“Forever Young” is the oldest song featured on this list. As many people have heard it recently on TikTok, this nostalgic sound allows us to help us hold on to our youths.

Whether it is the old-fashioned sound or the genuine lyrics in this song, it has a sentimental feeling to it. No matter where we go in life and where college takes us, we will always be that little girl dancing around at heart.

“Good Old Days” by macklemore

This song written by Macklemore and featuring Kesha communicates a message somewhat different than the other songs featured here. Although the concept of being a guide through our college transitions is a similarity in all of these songs, this one specifically focuses on the past, primarily about high school.

Macklemore reminds us that we should never stop living in the moment. The best years of your life and the memories you will look back on when you are older will be your teenage years. As we grow up, it becomes more difficult to hold onto the joy of life and we shouldn’t take this time for granted.

“Don’t You Worry Child” by Swedish House Mafia

Although many would consider this song a party or pop song, if you take a deeper look at the actual lyrics, they are genuinely heartbreaking. This song, “Don’t You Worry Child,” is used to guide us through the new chapters of our lives that we are entering. It is totally normal to feel anxious and down during this point in time.

However, this song successfully illustrates that we shouldn’t worry or feel anxious because everything will fall into place. This will have you crying in the club!

“Good Riddance” by Green Day

Last but not least, one of my personal favorite songs absolutely needed to appear on this list. Although it is not as long lengthwise and the lyrics don’t vary as much compared to the other songs listed above, it conveys the perfect message for people going through their college transition.

Not every single person has the same experiences in college and goes through the same issues as each other. Despite this, we should lend a hand to one another and go through this experience alongside them.

Even though we may face obstacles over time, we should forever cherish the memories we have made during our past years and be open to creating many more, with new and even old faces.

I truly hope that you take some time out of your day to put your AirPods in and listen to these songs. As you are doing so and reflecting on the start of this brand-new journey of yours, just keep this in mind: Music is powerful, meaning it can speak to us.

These songs remind us that everything will be okay and that we will go far and flourish in college, along with the rest of our lives.

Hi, I'm Ava! I'm from Brooklyn, New York and I am a freshman at Penn State University in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications.