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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Whether you are new to State College or returning for your senior year, we all experience days when we feel out of place or simply want to retreat and do nothing. It’s completely normal to have moments when things seem overwhelming or uninspiring.

Don’t worry, let me be your hero.

I am here to share some of my favorite strategies that help me stay alert and feel more like myself. These methods will show you how you can transform those challenging moments into opportunities for growth and self-care!

Make your bed

Making your bed every morning might seem like a minor task, but it actually helps significantly in feeling put together. Starting your day with this simple task gives you a quick win, which can boost your mood and motivation right from the start.

Plus, it keeps your room looking tidy and organized, which can help you focus better and reduce distractions. Adding bed-making to your morning routine also builds discipline and consistency, making your days feel more structured.

On top of that, a neatly made bed makes your room look more inviting and put together. It’s a little act of self-care to show that you value yourself and your space, helping you feel more confident and in control throughout the day.

Girl, it’s time to play dress up

It may sound trivial, but how you dress each day can significantly impact your confidence. When you choose outfits that align with your personal style and make you feel good about yourself, you set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Feeling comfortable and authentic in your clothes isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about how it boosts your mood and self-esteem. Whether you opt for something laid-back or a more refined look, dressing in a way that reflects who you are helps you carry yourself with a greater assurance.

Ultimately, the right outfit can transform both your appearance and your mindset. It makes you feel ready to take on whatever comes your way.

Get your 🍑 moving

Going to the gym or taking a leisurely stroll around State College can significantly enhance your feeling of being put together. Hitting the gym provides a boost of energy and improves your mood, thanks to the endorphins released during exercise.

It also gives you a sense of accomplishment that can positively impact your day. Alternatively, a relaxing walk around town can be just as invigorating. You might explore the charming little shops on College Avenue, which offer a delightful distraction and a chance to discover unique finds.

If you prefer, you can also visit the farmers market downtown to enjoy fresh produce and local goods. These activities not only give you a break from your routine but also offer moments of relaxation and exploration to help you feel refreshed and in control.

Whether you are working out or strolling through town, these simple actions can help clear your mind and boost your overall sense of well-being.

fuel, fuel, fuel

It might seem like a no-brainer to ensure that you are eating regularly, but I often find myself forgetting meals. I’ve never had a particularly big appetite which can lead me to skip meals without even realizing it.

As a result, I frequently end up feeling sluggish and low in energy throughout the day. When I don’t eat consistently, my mood and concentration can suffer, leaving me feeling off or trashy.

It is easy to overlook the importance of regular meals, especially when you’re busy. Regardless, maintaining a steady eating schedule is crucial for sustaining energy levels and overall well-being. Recognizing the link between meal timing and how I feel throughout the day helps me make a more conscious effort to prioritize eating.

mental cleaning

Mental cleaning is very mindful, very demure. It is all about finding way to clear your mind and stay focused.

Personally, I have found a number of methods that work for me. Listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks are some of my favorite ways to do this. It’s amazing how just putting on a good playlist or tuning into a podcast can help me escape from stress and give my mind a break.

Another helpful method that I use is a detailed “to-do” list. This isn’t just about listing tasks; it’s about breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps. I jot down everything I need to get done in the upcoming week and organize it so that I can see what needs to be prioritized.

This process helps me get all of those scattered thoughts out of my head and onto paper, which makes everything feel a lot less overwhelming.

It’s like creating a roadmap for my week, which not only clears my mind but also makes it easier to stay on top of everything and tackle tasks with a clear, more focused approach.

From daily habits to mindful practices, these ideas are designed to bring balance and positivity back into my life. By incorporating these tips into my routine, I boost my energy, regain my focus, and tackle those off days with confidence.

Hi there! I’m Rachel Ratush, a senior at Penn State majoring in Media Studies. I’m passionate about fashion and beauty marketing and am loving my fourth year at Penn State. Hailing from charming Bucks County, PA, I enjoy diving into romantic comedies and mysteries and keeping up with all the new trends on social media! Follow me on my socials!