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Culture > Entertainment

6 Vines to Send Your Crush This Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

If you’re like me, expressing how you feel can be pretty tough, especially when it comes to telling someone you like them. That being said, it’s pretty easy to lay out all the cards on the table with a funny seven-second video. So, here’s a list of some iconic vines you should send your crush this Valentine’s Day:


1. For when you don’t know how to start the conversation, this vine is an easy icebreaker to let them know you’re sliding into their DM’s.


2. For when you’re just trying to be honest about how you feel.


3. For when you want to show how hard you’ve fallen for them


4. For when you want to show them how much they impress you, just send this one and let them know it’s you reacting to something they did that you think is awesome.


5. For when you want to say, this could be us.


6. Finally, for when you want to show them you’re pretty serious about things.

Margaret is currently a junior at Penn State University, studying Public Relations in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications. She is a contributing writer for Her Campus at Penn State, a member of the The Lawrence G. Foster Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America, and is involved with THON. In her free time, Margaret enjoys making playlists, reading, and watching the same romantic comedies over and over again. You can find her on Instagram at @mnpfeifle.
Aisha is currently a senior at Penn State University, studying Telecommunications in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications. She is a contributing writer and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Penn State and her hobbies are reading, listening to music, and watching hockey. Originally hailing from Jakarta, Indonesia, her dream for the future is to someday be part of the book publishing industry, digital marketing or work on a media team for a sports team.