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Penn State Old Main
Original photo by Emma Wesolowski

The 8 Best on Campus Study Spots

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Finals are just around the corner, which means it’s crunch time for everyone.

There are so many places on campus to study, that sometimes the quietest and most beautiful are hard to find. Here are some spaces that you should check out to make studying a peaceful activity.

Pattee and Paterno Library

The Pattee and Paterno Library is an ideal place to sit down and study. It’s atmosphere is quiet and relaxing, which makes for more efficient studying.

You can reserve a private study room, sit by the Starbucks and order yourself a coffee or study in the famed “Harry Potter” room.

Bellisario Media Center

The Bellisario Media Center located in the Willard building and is a fairly new facility. It houses a great environment to do work and study in. There are many different types of seating that gives you a broad range of areas where you will want to unwind and start studying.


Penn State has countless areas outdoors to study at, weather permitting of course. The HUB lawn and Old Main are students’ top choices on a warm sunny day.

Simply lay down a towel on the grass, and you are all set to begin your studies. The vibes at the HUB Lawn and Old Main are unmatched.

If you want a more shaded place, the Panera on campus next to the Forum Building has a couple of tables with umbrellas that provide a perfect, chill ambiance. The Berkey Creamery has great outdoor seating as well, and is one of my personal favorites.


The main floor of the HUB can sometimes be a crowded spot to find a seat. Luckily, there are a good amount of lounges and seating on upper floors that there shouldn’t be an issue with finding somewhere to sit. When it isn’t crowded, it’s easy to spend all day there.

There are many food options located in the HUB, so you can grab a bite in between studying or doing homework.

Apartment/Dorm Lobby

Whether you live in an apartment or dorm building, there is probably a lobby located in your complex. If you don’t want to be locked in your room and risk becoming preoccupied, these might be the spaces for you.

Sometimes it can be hard to study or do homework in your own space because you get distracted and end up procrastinating.

Going to a lobby is helpful for this situation and the commute is quick.


Starbucks is one of my favorite places to grab a break during a busy day. Plus, if you get there early enough, finding a spot might be possible.

The environment when you study at Starbucks is unmatched, and I always end up rewarding myself with a coffee and a sweet treat.

The new Starbucks, downtown by the Pugh Center, is a great location as well as the Starbucks further west. Other than the stores downtown, you can also find a Starbucks in the library or the HUB to study in.

Business Building

The Business Building was my favorite study spot during my freshman year since it’s so close to where I lived in East Halls. The Business Building is a good environment to get work done in. Inside, there is also a café called Saxbys where seating and coffee is available.

Westgate Building

The Westgate Building is one of the nicest, if not the nicest, buildings on campus. It’s bright and modern, so that studying here is refreshing. There are many great spots throughout this building to get to studying.

In my opinion, these are the best and most popular study spots on campus. Hopefully, you will try out at least one of these locations as you prepare for finals.

Who knows, you might even grow to enjoy studying in these locations!

Olivia is a second-year student at Penn State studying Journalism. When she is not writing for Her Campus @ PSU, she is spending time with her friends and family, listening to music, and sipping on an iced coffee.