Whether you’re happily single or in the happiest relationship of your life, make sure to love yourself first this Valentine’s day.
For most of us, Valentine’s Day is the most dreaded day of the year, full of painful reminders, disappointment and too much red. For the few of you that actually enjoy Valentine’s Day, it’s probably because you are looking forward to spending it with someone that makes you feel special.
But what most of us often overlook is that no matter what our romantic situation is, this upcoming Saturday, we can spend it with someone we love.
Someone we should have unlimited respect and admiration for.
That person is you.
We often take February 14th to admire other people in our lives, but what about all the amazing things you have done?
That time you got an A in that impossible class.
That time you went to the gym in when it was 10 degrees outside.
The night you danced on a table like no one was watching.
The time you had the courage to stand up for what you believe it.
The time you surprised yourself by accomplishing something.
The day you got into college.
The night you stayed up with your best friend all night because she needed you.
The day you ate that salad, even though you were dreaming of a cheeseburger.
The day you ate the cheeseburger, the fries and the milkshake because you deserved it.
Just take a moment and think of all the great things you’ve done this week alone. We get so caught up in life that we often forget that we are the ones living it and we are the ones that should be enjoying it. So this year on, February 14th and every day for that matter, I’m asking you to love yourself.
Take yourself to dinner.
Buy that sweater you’ve been wanting for months.
Have the best workout of your week.
Even if you only take five minutes to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you rock, do it.
At the beginning of every morning, the end of every day and all of those quiet moments in between, we are all we have. So, in those moments, start to appreciate you and on February 14th make yourself the most important person in your life.
Be your own Valentine.